
It’s not an unpopular opinion. It’s a ridiculous oversimplification.

I gave birth last Saturday, when I was only 25 weeks along, because my high blood pressure turned into preeclampsia and then HELLP syndrome in a matter of days. Original plan was to keep me at the hospital for as many weeks as possible before delivery, but my labs turned bad and then worse and doctors think I would

There’s a lot of words in these tweets that I don’t understand.

They tried very hard, and an election that the GOP should’ve won by 30 points, they won by only six or seven points. We’re talking dark red, heart-of-the-GOP territory in Kansas. A single-digit win is freaking them out.

I thought it was more about “all kinds of people are secretly unhappy/domestic violence happens in all kinds of households, even rich white ones” and also “women gotta be there for each other, stop holding each other to impossible standards and stop tearing each other down” 

Run. fast.

Huh. It’s almost as if policy and patriarchy dictate this stuff and not the you-go-get-‘em determination of individual women.

Always remember that attachment parenting was invented by a fundie who thinks that women working outside the home is inherently traumatic to her children. There’s some good, useful stuff mixed in but it should all be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Another goose step closer to becoming Nazi Germany.

I thought the same thing about Rich’s characterization, The man could not have been more gracious, during what must have been an epically humiliating moment.

“Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

For the utter shit show this was, I thought the La La Land producers handled things very well. Let’s not SHIT on them for a mistake that wasn’t their fault, okay?

Yeah, I thought the Lala Land producers handled it with exceptional grace. They took it on themselves to announce that they hadn’t won, quickly got out the message that Moonlight had won, and tried to reassure the Moonlight team that this was all real and they should get up on stage. Like that’s a lot of crazy in

Yeah, I don’t see how else they could have handled it. I mean, I wanted Moonlight to win, but the La La Land people made the kind of movie they want to make and did a good job of it by all accounts, and I’m not going to wish ill on them just because it’s not my cup of tea. I’m sure they’re mostly nice people who

Yeah, I agree. It seemed like he was trying to make it right as quickly and clearly as possible.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

This really isn’t a subtle or difficult point and I’m not sure why it isn’t easier to make to someone like that’s face, succinctly, so that they have to answer it on live tv:

Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.

Look... I appreciate where you are coming from, but kids are kids. My partner is a very loving, non-custodial parent. His kids may decide on Saturday morning that they’d rather not go to their dad’s this weekend because whatever passes their fancy. They’re children. Having a regular, consistent relationship with their