
I don’t know. She’s an international superstar gearing up for what looks like to be ugly custody battle. Doing everything in her power to contain the damage doesn’t seem particularly odd (or suspicious) to me.

Even from a biological standpoint it’s not really a 3-parent baby. I don’t think they make it clear enough in this article that all 46 chromosomes are from the mother and father, none from the donor. The fault was in the mother’s mitochondrial DNA, not nuclear DNA.

Coming here early to respond to the inevitable “the world is already overpopulated, why would people do all this for a biological child?”people. If you haven’t personally experienced infertility and miscarriage it’s really hard to understand. Also, scientific advances are (usually) good.

18 years, here.

“If we’re going to do this, we gotta do it now! No one will remember it because they’ll be focused on that other split! We’ll have some privacy with this! Move move move!”

Likely it didn’t happen because her parents were smart enough to vaccinate her.


I took that as her kids wake her up? I know my 7 year old wakes us up at 6:30 on the weekends.

girl, no man is worth a rash.

The Enquirer has actually legitimately broken quite a number major political scandals, e.g. John Edwards.

All over the internet, when the story broke that Weiner was being investigated by CPS, lots of people were claiming that it was *ridiculous* to think that his private life could have any impact on his ability to parent (even, you know, when he busted through some serious boundaries of appropriateness by sending sexts

More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.

He could’ve been Mayor of New York. Very easily, in fact. But dick pics were more important. And now he’s lost an amazing woman, and his son’s life will be impacted forever. Because dick pics were more important.

Or he is just an huge, narcissistic asshole who thinks he is entitled to whatever pleasure is in front of him. I’m pretty sure if his wife was a plain looking woman who had a normal job and stayed in the background, he would still be looking for strange in all the wrong places.

Why do you assume there’s public transportation to the job? Where some may consider driving a fine automobile to work a luxury, others see having easily accessible public transportation as one.

When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an

My thoughts as well. It’s like, let me get this straight; in order to prevent a patriarchal system from dictating what women can wear, you’re dictating and enforcing what women can wear, through the patriarchal system of law? There’s absolutely nothing feminist about this. It’s harassment and persecution from the

This is not about protecting Muslim women. It’s not about Muslim women at all. It’s about blowing that dog-whistle, and this is one that progressives and white nationalists alike can hear.

So they are basically calling out misoginy in Islamic countries that tell women how much they have to wear while imposing legislature telling women how little they have to wear? Splendid. This will certainly solve everything.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité, JK.