
Its ok. I was in my pjs which that day happened to be panties and a big T-shirt. I live on the east coast and it was freezing out side. I was just trying to get sweatpants on. Theres no student housing for my program and my land lord isa butt head although im considering telling him so hell soften up. I didn't call

Lol i wasnt trying to be a people pleaser, i was trying to rack up some good karma! Like, let me give this guy a break, maybe the universe will give me a beak too. Which is kinda selfish but i always felt if you do good things good things will happen to you....well, not in this situation apparently. Im just so tirrd

Thank you. Its good to know theres a light at the end of the tunnel. :)

Unfortunately the financial situation with my family is not very stable.
The therapist at school was talking about helping me find a domestic abuse survivors group or something that i could join, after i to,d her that i felt like i has to pretend none of it was happening at work or at school. So thats positive. I think

Hi. Thanks for replying. Its nice to know someone is reading and thinking about me. I cant see the therapist more than once a week because its school sponsored. Im considering telling,y landlord whats going on with my husband (he knows were getting divorced) so that maybe hell go a little easier on me but he's being

Your comment reminds me of this very weird movie thats kinda about this woman who has a similar-ish feeling. Its a a good movie although, i kinda afraid to tell you cuz i dont want you to get fixated on a maybe-not-great idea if this is really how you feel generally. But youre an adult and its a movie not a suicide

I am just like you. It sucks. I have no answers. but I empathize 100%.

I dont have a relative with Parkinson's, but i did watch my little brother die from a rare, terrible neurological disorder when he was 14. You're situation is obviously different in so many ways, but i just wanted to let you know that, as someone with a somewhat parallel situation, i know this is really really

Hi, i don't know if anybody here remembers me but I'm that girl who posted a month and a half ago because my husband beat me up again and i was scared to leave. The good news is, with the advise and support of so many people here, i did it. And me and my husband are still separated. The bad news is, its been really

Hey, just wanted to let you know im still thinking of you. I hope ur ok. My offer still stands. Email me if you can.

Im ok. Doing better in some ways. Not as good in others. If you have the chance, and if you feel up to it, could you send an email to this address:

Sorry that other email didnt work...use this one if u are still interested

Its crazy to have so many people "care" about you over the internet isn't it? Its bizarre and weird, uncomfortable and over whelming, and bitter sweet too...all these people showing you so much attention and concern but what can they really do but give you their opinions and these hot-line phone numbers to call...its

Ha. You should never doubt the all seeing eye of the internet. When i posted someone figured out where i was and called my school's police branch and they called me (i had already ran at that point and talked to them for help but the point remains).
I wanted to ask you if you read my post. I know its long and emo as

Hi...i dont know if this will help, but i just wanted to let you know im in the same boat as you. I posted for the first time two weeks ago tonight...that night, my husband beat the crap out of me for the 100th time and i was exhausted and desperate so posted on here, saturday night social. The out pouring of support

Hi...i dont know if this will help, but i just wanted to let you know im in the same boat as you. I posted for the first time two weeks ago tonight...that night, my husband beat the crap out of me for the 100th time and i was exhausted and desperate so posted on here, saturday night social. The out pouring of support

Hello everyone,
My god...i cant even begin to tell you how much all this means to me. Theres so many of you, its amazing. Im so grateful. Thank you thank you so much. I want to respond to so many of you but Ive been working all day and im exhausted, so im going to try to do some tomorrow. But i just want to say for

Thank you. I know everyone here is right, but the acknowledgement that slipping up, talking to him, letting him back in, all of that is a possibility and is normal...This means alot to me. Im going to try my hardest, i really am..but im worried about the surgery...i have to get it asap and i really dont know if, in

Hi, im here! And yes, i had to work today and just got home not to long ago. Ive been reading all these comments and im so overwhelemed by all the advise and support. Im so grateful. I want to respond to everyone but i dont know where to start. Thank you for checking up on me. Im going to try to reply to a few now and, i posted here last week for the first time because my husband was beating me and i didnt know what to do. With all the amazing encouragment and support i got from everyone here, i felt convinced and strong enough to escape and i did. I stayed in a shelter for a few days until i got my apartment back, changed