Bill’s wearing ankle socks.
Bill’s wearing ankle socks.
I actually find the presidents wearing traditional clothes of other countries quite lovely. But, Al, Bill, those shorts. And no socks for Bill? Ay, the blisters.
I read this article while my wife is in the next room, on hospice care at home. She went for a PAP smear just over a year ago, which came back abnormal - as hers always did. But this time the call about her culposcopy results took longer. So now, after radical hysterectomy and two kinds of chemo, we’re thinking that…
OH MY GOD I AM SO FUCKING ANGRY ABOUT ALL OF THIS. (It doesn’t help that I’m having one of those days where my 12 year old C-section scar is itching from the fucking inside godDAMN.)
what? no.
That law has been on the books for a while and kids have been suffering for years as a result. Fuck Texas, truly.
My first thought was that any doctor who lied to a patient about her pregnancy would be likely to lose their license. But then I did a tiny bit of research, and realized that medical licenses are issued by states. So presumably the Texas medical board is going to be totally okay with this bill. Yikes.
Right, but I don’t get the hatred and scorn for parents who wouldn’t let their girls wrestle him. They don’t want their daughters to wrestle against a boy, because that would be unfair to their daughters. He wants to be thought of as a boy. They think of him as a boy. They’re in agreement with him, that he doesn’t…
That is the dumbest fucking comparison I can imagine. If they weren’t up to the job... they shouldn’t have taken the damn job. You should raise your standards for professional adults who understand what’s being asked of them and are being paid to do a set list of things.
Her fuck up was not rushing out on stage quickly enough to cover his ass.
So, just to be clear, dude massively fucks up, woman gets equally blamed for not covering his ass quickly enough? Figures.
Agreed, it is not his fault that he’s forced to compete in the girls’ division. But I do think the complaints about fairness are valid. There’s boys’ and girls’ teams for a reason - because biologically boys/men are stronger which would make unisex athletic competition exclusionary to many girls.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I totally agree with everything else you’re saying. But I can see why other parents who have girls that have trained incredibly hard have to compete against someone with a very large advantage.
Okay, so, since apparently it’s hard for folks to understand.
In the picture with him and Meg Ryan at the top, I thought he was sunburned. But he looks exactly the same here with Christie Brinkley. 24/7 sunburn or Bannon-esque?
feetcloven demon hooves on the sofa
Would you do it in your own boss’s office? Just hop up on his or her sofa while dozens of guests were in the room, curl up with your shoes on the couch? I bet you fucking would not.
For me, growing up in a republican household that CONSTATLY railed against democrats for lack of respect for [the office, democracy, the constitution, verterans] and hearing my dad exalt Regan on numerous occasions for having never so much as loosen his tie in the oval, it’s about the double standard. Imagine if it…
No, my wife and I were discussing it this morning and we both think while it’s not especially dignified, it isn’t an insult to the Oval Office.