
I think I am starting to see what you’re saying. Is the E43 going to be rated with similar power to the S6 and 550i or the lower cars?

I said the same thing in the other piece about AMG. Why not just name the whole C Class line up C36, C43, and C63 so everyone can feel included? It is ridiculous. I’m out.

Yes I know about the B6 vs E46 M3. There was a B5 RS4. That was then. This is now.

It is ironic reading his name after talking to the guy.

So we clearly agree that Mercedes is in fact watering down AMG more by renaming the C450 to a C43?

Then drive a C63. There is no reason for a C450 to have the name C43 AMG. That is like saying the S600 should be called an S43 so you can go to AMG track days lol. Maybe we should call the base level C300 a C37 AMG just so people can get the AMG ownership experience. Ridiculous.

You argument about the E class also qualifies for the C class. How will you feel in a C43 when a guy in an S4 or 440i is running with you off the line?

She could have just had a C450. The car absolutely does not need an AMG name.

NO, I am not suggesting that the M235i is different from the 135i in terms of the performance level. BUT notice that BMW put Mxxxi instead of Mx. Mercedes had the C450 listed as the C450 AMG sport. That was acceptable and the same thing that BMW did. Now they have gone full asshole and put C43 on a C450 and calling it

I wasn’t counting different versions of the same car, but if you want to you can.

I know they are the same car. I never said they weren’t.

No, just no. From Audi S cars are S cars and RS cars are AMG and M competitors. Audi absolutely does not put RS badges on cars that compete in the S car bracket. Audi won’t put RS badges on a C450 and 440i level car.

Yes because Mxxx and S cars don’t have Mx and RSx names. Mercedes has gone with Cxx instead of C450 to make it sound better than a 440i or S5/340i or S4. When in reality a C43 AMG is nothing more than a C450.

Ok let me try to explain this.
They changed the C450s name to C43 just to make it look better to sell. Does that make more sense?

I change my opinion on the internet sometimes. It is cool that you said it instead of just arguing the other point for no reason.

Fintail isn’t getting it.

Wow, you are completely missing what is going on. Audi and BMW clearly differentiate their M and Quattro RS cars from the rest of the line up. Mercedes is intentionally blurring the line to confuse buyers. They want people to think the C43 is a step above the S5 and 440i. It isn’t.

It is going to be funny when the

What is confusing you?

How can you say “they’re still the most expensive Mercedes a person can buy” when the C43 is around the same price as the C450? The C43 AMG and the C450 are standard Mercedes cars.

I think his point is that AMG Sport isn’t anymore confusing than having two AMGs for the same car. He is responding to someone else talking about other people being confused.