It reminds me of a prolapsing anus. I really don’t ever want to be reminded of that.
It reminds me of a prolapsing anus. I really don’t ever want to be reminded of that.
The entry price for the F30 3 series is lower than it was for the E90. The 320i is cheap. If you want a cheap BMW that is.
Ignore this post.
Yeah I assume a post will come, but then again Jalopnik’s automotive show coverages can get very locked in on one car and not show half the stuff unveiled. I need live shots of the car though. I haven’t seen any.
Woah, BMW drivers are assholes joke. That one is new. You have revolutionized internet car comedy.
I’d say/hope a large portion of the stars came from kotaku and gizmodo people who came over here. A lot of them came to respond to me. I love it all especially the one who ways he wishes my kids would die.
I’ve had a driver’s license for a long time and I have seen anchorman. I definitely wasn’t going to watch the second movie. In my opinion Teslas aren’t as good as they are made out to be. If I think there are a lot of better options then the car isn’t good/exceptional to me.
It is constantly compared to high performance luxury cars. I agree it isn’t in their class at all. It is in a class below them.
I have no reason to be biased.
Over the 3 other cars I listed yes that is the only benefit. Other than you can charge your car at your house.
Very fast for a short distance.
Yes and battery issues are the current limitation to electric motors. So I honestly attribute those set backs as part of the whole electric motor, but I guess we differ in opinion there.
I am not being sarcastic. I am just pointing out there are a lot of better cars for around or less than 120K. Then guys like you can’t handle my opinion.
I am just trying to show what can be had for the same money. If people are going to say how awesome it is I just want to show other options. Cars that are better in every way except 0-60.
Hahaha the guy said constipated dump and I guess I just figured it looks like a diaper expanding.
I am comparing a 120K P85D to cheaper cars the M6 GC, RS7, and CLS63. I don’t know what kind of Model S you drive, but it probably isn’t faster than the E63 past 60. And if you want to talk about performance when it comes to using it in a corner no model S is even in the same league.
But the A7 was a direct response to the CLS. Though you are correct the S60 was a 4 door coupe first.
I don’t think the XE estate exists and that red car is just a rendering. I was just trying to point out you can still get V8 estate cars.
But I agree cars looking similar isn’t just an Audi thing.