
Ugliest thing unveiled today. That is for sure. Mercedes for a while hasn’t released anything particularly good looking in my eyes.

Not a massive corvette fan. I don’t particularly deeply care. I actually made a simple comment and a bunch of dudes who fit that criteria came in and started bashing me.

So if anything all the people getting uber defensive over the P85D are the ones you should be addressing. I was simply giving my opinion better

Because cars would look strange without grills. It is exactly why Tesla’s have giant hole looking area’s in the front.

I woudn’t even say maybe so. Tesla’s can’t preform outside of 0-60. Now here comes the people from Kotaku and Gizmodo to come bash me.

What am I even lying about? We aren’t homies. Also I am way past secondary school age.

How exactly has Tesla proven electric can be superior? Obviously electric doesn’t use gas, but what else?

Effective range?
Weight saving?
time to recharge/refuel?

I am not some guy who just bashed electric cars. I am just pointing out as of right now there are better alternatives to the P85D. It isn’t some

He posted in bold he must know what he is talking about.

What circle jerk? I am just pointing out better alternatives than the P85D that is worshiped by buzzfeed and shared over social media because of 0-60. Mainly a bunch of people who don’t even know anything about cars. I am the opposite of the circle jerk.

We’ll you are not making sense because I didn’t make the conversation about performance. The other guy did and I simply pointed out in the world of performance more than just 0-60 matters.

I didn’t make the conversation about performance. The guy I was responding to did. You should write that to the other guy.

I am going to link this comment because you don’t know what you are talking about:

I love when people try to make the P85D out to be some sort of performance champion. Wins to 60 loses to turn 1 and then slides off the track.

I kicked the hornets nest and I am enjoying the outcome. I make a comparison of a 120k sedan to cheaper 100k+ sedans and people are losing their minds. A good debate never killed anyone though... well actually that probably isn’t true hahaha.

They all have awesome Turbo V8s rated at a lot less horsepower and would destroy the Model S after 60. 0-60 really doesn’t mean anything. They also can turn.

I am sorry, but that is not the case. You should have looked it up. The P85D is 115k with the “Ludicrous speed mode” (ridiculous name). Then it is 3k more dollars to get the range upgrade.

The RS7, M6 GC, and CLS 63 start at 105k, 115k, and 107k respectively. Those numbers are taken directly from car and driver. The

It is about the comparisons. The car is constantly compared to other 100K+ super sedans and fan boys regurgitate 0-60 times and battery power. When looked at next to the cars I originally mentioned it is nothing. Just the new hip trend constantly posted on buzzfeed and other psuedo-media outlets about insane mode. For

I can see you don’t right on Jalopnik a lot so you probably don’t know that much about the M6 GC, CLS 63, and RS7. When you just go around regurgitating the 0-60 of the P85D it just confirms all the negative comments about Tesla fans in this discussion. Sorry dude.

Well said.

Once again. I said the cars in that high price point make it “look like junk”. The car obvious isn’t junk sitting next to Civics, Camrys, and TCs.