
I regularly drive a Volvo C70, don’t live in my mom’s basement, and you are right I have never driven a Tesla. If Tesla wants to bring me one and let me test drive I’d be glad too, but that wouldn’t change my mind when comparing the Model S P85D to over 100k German Sedans.

The Model S starts at $69.9k while an S class starts at $95.6k, A8 at $81.5k, and the 7 at $81.3k. Not only is the Model S base way cheaper than the others like you said it was the new hot thing to buy. The car was getting so much press from buzzfeed and the like. They are comparing all the sales of a car that starts

I don’t buy apple phones and my 2011 Macbook Pro doesn’t even have a HDMI port.

0-60 and that is it. Let the race continue the P85 D gets smoked and when the first turn comes it is game over for anything with Tesla badges.

That is so sad. It grinds my gears that Infinity acts like they have any real input on the Red Bull car. You know sheep buy into that though.

The CLA is disgusting in my opinion.

Exactly my feelings.

I bet you are comparing all of the Model S’s to just the specific cars I mentioned. Can you please provide sources for you information?

Been in one and never driven it, but in this case we are not talking about how the cars drive. I know you and we have had quite a few discussions back and forth so I am not going to get into this with you.

The gifs help me express my feelings. Yes they are obnoxious, but sometimes I like to have fun.

Or you know maybe half the car manufactures have been working on electric and other forms of power vehicles for a long time. Yeah I’ll go with that. Electric cars were coming whether Tesla started making cars or not.

I said makes the Tesla look like junk. Obviously a Tesla isn’t junk next to a Camry... maybe an Avalon though. Hahaha I’m just playing about the Avalon part though.

Talk about disparaging comments then says someone’s opinion is fucking stupid and tesla rules. In fact I think Tesla fanboys are worse than when the GTR was in full swing. People like you who ride Tesla’s nuts are the worst people on Jalopnik. See how I can swing the pendulum right back at you?

You can sit back down

No, because the comparisons between the P85D and German Super Sedans are made on a regular basis. Please... sit back down.

German sedans at that price point have LOADS of tech. The tech found in lower end cars originates in those cars. Active lane assist, adaptive cruise control, absurd 18+ way power seats, new operating systems, night vision and all the other tech features found in 100k plus cars. Also those cars have tech and are

Yes praise a Porsche with a trunk. Make the Panamera look descent.

I totally agree with the ___ killer titles they always use.

Yeah, I really like the overall design and the idea we might see a Panamera with a trunk. But yeah the lights needs to go.

Not at their price points. The true luxury cars you can buy at each given price makes the Model S’s look like junk. P85D vs a M6 GC, RS7 or CLS 63 is laughable. And those cars are all cheaper hahaha.

Porsche should really stop with these four eye looking alien lights.

“Tesla Killer” Don’t the cars have to be good before people start making versions to kill it? Haha