
Yeah, but what is it doing that a commercial isn’t doing? It is pointless and this one looks stupid.

I never understood the point of giving super athletes cars. If he wanted an AMG GT he’d buy one. If the superbowl mvp wanted a Silverado he’d buy one easily.

I’m not tearing her down. Telling her I think the title and analysis are inaccurate isn’t tearing someone down. Are you serious? She is what we call an adult and should easily be able to handle a different opinion. I mean come on dude. “Tearing her down” haha

If anything you are low balling Stef Schrader’s

Yeah I noticed that too. Where do they come up with this stuff? I got greyed out for pointing out something in the last post, so you might get the grey hammer for this.

Haha it wasn’t a “botched pass” simple as that. Don’t give me that nonsense.

Now that is over I’ll confirm for everyone who predicted another failed attempt by Nissan. We were damn right and it feels so good.

Welp, you’re right. They unfollowed me and now I am back into the grey. I didn’t post anything inappropriate for a public discussion.

He was avoiding cars incorrectly thinking there was a yellow flag.

If every LMP1 crashed out Nissan would still lose the overall victory to LMP2 cars

The cars in front were wrong because they thought it was yellow when it was actually green. If the Audi had made that move under double yellow he would have been penalized. So yes you are wrong, but the Audi people are right there was a confusion of flags. The Audi driver was in the right, but there was’t much he

No, he wasn’t making a pass. The title is”pretty damn” inaccurate.

I really enjoy the discussion on black flag and I have waited a long time to get followed. If this gets me unfollowed that would be a shame. They shouldn’t try to censor people.

You don’t know what you are talking about. You are wrong on this one. Take the L.

What do ya know. Another incorrect analysis and title from Stef Schrader.

You’re so angry. To the average consumer a partnership with formula 1 holds tons more value. The average person doesn’t even know what the WEC is. Slick tires in the rain is pretty much irrelevant.

Aaand Nissan is still using the Zeod for advertising. It is almost as if Nissan wants to confirm what half of Jalopnik has been saying about Nissan’s publicity stunt racing.

Well uninformed people shouldn’t be talking about things they are uninformed about. Pirelli knows as long as their name is associated with F1 performance they will sell tires. Any intelligent person knows the tires used in F1 have nothing to do with the tires they sell you on the road. Any uninformed person will just

What is impressive about a run of the mill GTE car?

So Pirelli should say no and lose a major contract? Get real.

Pathetic is a strong word used to describe a racing series lol. Yes, they don’t push to conserve tires. That is what we call a strategy. The same thing used in all forms of racing.