
The joke is that in real life the Nissan is terribly slow.

Once again you are the only person who keeps saying anything is prestigious. I don’t know what is wrong with you. You are the only one who keeps bringing up Volvo and prestige. You’re seriously off-kilter.

I don’t normally bash people for their cars, but you came on here and started bashing other people. That is on you.

I read the whole conversation. He never said anything about prestige. You keep bringing that up. You mentioned prestige with the Corvette. Mr Econobox (you) have no room to disrespect anyone’s cars.

The C70 isn’t even mentioned in the link you imbecile.

John Hennessey hate train! All aboard! I always enjoy it because the guy deserves it.

You don’t even know what I drive. I can tell you the car I drive isn’t on that wikipedia page. I care about what you drive, because you are here bashing other people’s cars and you drive an economy car. Hearing someone with a 40 mpg econobox bashing other people’s cars has made my day.

I never said Volvo is prestigious. It is a luxury brand though. Opposed to Chevy and Ford.

I don’t think we should even be having this conversation. You just mentioned Corvette in a same sentence with prestige. Clearly you never been inside a from Corvette before 2014. Since you are comparing Volvo to a Chrysler Sebring you’re clearly just trolling about and have no idea what you are talking about. This is

It looks like it has the ride height of the new Corolla. It isn’t going off road anytime soon, so it really doesn’t need to be that high off the ground. It looks strange.

We have official been brought down to the level of insults. Buying a Ford because it gets 40 mpg is dull and simple. You’re like the mindless sheep who flock to the Camry because it is a Camry. Get off your fucking high horse. Not everyone wants to drive past someone with the same car as them everyday. Just a bunch of

“fantastic” is such a stretch. In my opinion it sucked and it is ugly.

That is funny coming from a guy driving a Ford.

After. Can you really not tell or are you being sarcastic?

The 350 to the 370 was a GENERATION change. They are talking about the facelift of the 370Z. So before you go on rants about automotive design you should learn the difference between a facelift and generation change.

He already almost killed someone at Monaco and got banned.

I said economy car was bit harsh, but it isn’t a luxury car. Me calling it an economy car doesn’t mean it is bad. Just because I’ve never been in one doesn’t mean I can’t concluded whether it is a luxury car or not. I have never been in an A8, but I know it is a luxury car. I have never been in a new Mazda6, but I

Thank you. I make that comparison further down in the discussion.

Miatas have never gone between pop and normal headlights through a facelift.

I agree that Germans are making WAY better GT cars than Aston Martin for a lot less money. But I can’t agree with an M6 looking better than a Vanquish. The M6 looks better than every other AM in production right now except the Vanquish.