
By your reasoning that means that people care about this for totally none sexual reason.

This is not the cutest villain contest.

I don’t know what Fahey is smoking because the original Agent Venom series was clearly superior to his new one and leagues beyond his stint with the Guardians.

His stint with the Guardians was entirely pointless and was made worse with his redesign which removed everything cool from the original Agent Venom design. Bendis Guardians was bad pretty much from the get go, but he did nothing besides get a redesign and when he got that he once again became background decoration.

yet she wouldn’t be as special

In Mulan yes, but that has context to establish that.

I’d argue that the fast talking comedic sidekicks are basically any popular comedians or comedic actor at the time so it is a predominately male role. Rosie O’Donnell in Tarzan is the only example I can think of where this is different and until recently I assumed her character was a boy.

Sorry but this is Alpha Flight.

Honestly this issue was pretty great and I really like the set up. But to be honest its really just a back door launch of a SWORD series that Captain Marvel stars in. If the writers focus on the other characters as much as Marvel then I might actually enjoy her book.

Yeah I miss sexy Steve.

Yeah I wish he would come back as his rascally self. As it stands he is written as an angsty killer robot dressed like Kamen Rider.

He is still alive to the best of my knowledge but does not live in New York so his adventures go unnoticed. I would love to see him in the new Cap book, because he was such a badass in Thunderbolts.

As much as I would absolutely love that in every way he is already back in another (mediocre) book with a really cool costume. But he is still an evil robot.

American Eagle is actually a native American superhero in the MU who also worked with Cap.

This a thousand times. I hate how these wonderful books are labeled as religious allegories, but everyone ignores the fantasy content.

The New Testament is a sequel that respects the original, but decides to take the franchise in a different directions.

It has been a while, but I remember Silver chair reading like a classic fantasy adventure story. It followed three characters and the quest is pretty simple. Out of all of the books I feel like that one would be the best to adapt followed by Magicians nephew.

So now masturbation is under attack?

He was defeated by Stick last week.

Oh absolutely.