Lab Ninja

The Bronco is Ford’s Jeep Wrangler on many levels including bad quality control.

Yah want seats - yah got seats. Yah want seats that match? That’ll costya extra.

Under “what in the Crystal Meth?”


I’m 100% certain blasting music from exterior speakers is not the solution to that problem.

Pedantic moment: Sumco is not a chip manufacturer, they are a wafer maker.

Hahaha, it pooped open 

It is  not a flamethrower, it’s a door key!

Were you born full of shit or did you collect it all your life?

The problem is these idiots saying no to vaccines are the same ones against pro choice. Pro life only matters when it’s in their interest. I would be ok with vaccine choice if the fuckers didn’t want to control everything else.

Oh give me a fucking break. You are trying to tie forced vaccination to forced sterilization! We would all still have polio and smallpox around if people were as freedumb years ago as they are now. Everyone who doesn’t want to care about their health of their neighbors or their kids should go live on a fucking

“I’m triple vaccinated, and I’m pro-vaccine, but I’m anti-mandate,” said Paul Leland. “It’s time that the mandates are over. It’s time that the people travel freely across the border on both sides.”

You mean the mobs surrounding one person?

Canadians may discover quickly that what most people find so endearing about them may in fact be their undoing.

Just like the pick up trucks that tried to drive over the nurses back early in the pandemic?  

It’s all Calvinball, all the time with them.

Trailer Park Boys was a documentary. 

Putting these people on a no-fly list wouldn’t be denying them transportation. They could still drive, take a bus, or take a train to distant destinations.

Oh for fuck’s sake. The CVT is fine. I have an outback with a CVT and it does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It replaced a VW sportwagon with a manual transmission and honestly, it’s fine. No normal person and 90% of “enthusiasts” do not care about the CVT. It works, it shifts, it gets you where you need to be. It