NonServiam's Ghost

“incel omega orbiter from her Discord”

I’m an old person so I’d have to Google most of those terms but what I think you’re saying is “Man murdered teenager. Man took graphic pictures of dead teenager and posted to social media as trophy. Man’s followers and public media began victim shaming dead teenager”.

(pssst.... I think it’s metaphorical!)

The idea of the pill killing vibrancy and all that is loosely built on two truths and four cultural factors. The truths are:

“two of the loudest voices in the anti-Pill movement: Holly Griggs-Spall, a writer who also a consultant for a number of fertility-tracking companies—and Kelly Brogan, a vaccine skeptic who doesn’t believe that HIV causes AIDS.”

Yeah, I really need to talk about Brad too. Being from PA and having a few relatives that went to PSU, I’m going to read between the lines here. Based on the bowl cut, the video game and alcohol prohibition, and gatekeeping the phone and starting conversations with other people’s friends, I’m guessing that Brad’s mom

“This probably isn’t even a question. But is there a worst decision than trying to sleep next to your kid?”
Obviously no. Sleeping with your child is the absolute worst and parents who can (or pretend they can) co-sleep are actually swamp monsters sent to infiltrate and try to ruin American parentage by making normal

  • BA, Philosophy/Politics/Economics, Oxford University

This is the perfect time for Jezebel to do a long piece about how MLMs prey on vulnerable women in the name of feminism and financial freedom when the reality is it sucks them dry and leaves them friendless and poorer than they started out.  It’s so gross how MLMs work and what they do to people. 

“Everyone has their truth.” I’m really tired of hearing people say the “I’m speaking my truth” bs and variations of it. My truth, his truth, her truth and their truth....Nah, there’s only THE truth and the rest are your feelings and/or lies. If I punch you in the face and tell the world that my truth is that you ran

Hey everyone, right here is where you can stop reading:

The most unhinged this song becomes is likening “shade” to what is happening when neo-Nazis crash Pride parades.

Of course it’s okay to critique a song... but maybe if you’re gonna do it try to have a better argument than

Is this a parody post? 

Is this not the same Taylor Swift that refuses to comment to the press or travel without an entourage of security?” As if traveling without security is an option for America’s biggest pop star? She’s tired of the press hounding her every time she leaves her (10 million dollar) house? She has been famous for over a

Counterargument: Taylor Swift is fucking cool?

honestly, it’s like yall are just out there desperately trying to find something to complain about. the song is a great step for her and it’s fun and catchy. so yes, you are a bad faith critic, whatever that means.

It’s interesting how this tracks with the criticisms of the last few seasons of GoT storytelling—where for narrative push instead of staying with the complexity of institutions American tv storytelling goes for characters to stand in for discovery and thing, so instead of the real women who were deeply involved a

I had no idea she was this qualified to be President.

Please tell me that this article is sarcasm? Have you even examined what he did as mayor in a decent sized Rust Belt City?