NonServiam's Ghost

I don’t even believe that was the real number of units. I don’t believe that they sold anything out. I’m intimately convinced that it’s nothing but marketing bluffing, like that time Peggy hired two actresses to fight over a client’s ham (I’m just now catching up with that show).

This was very nicely written indeed

I started typing a couple of times and gave up, but thank you for putting this into words.

As a straight woman, this was a hugely helpful insight for me. I knew that this connection was made, but never read about or heard how it was experienced from the inside. I am so sorry to read this.

Other sources report she had meningitis. In any case, in a just world there would be no 19th-century-style child labor.

I think their physical grossness was a weapon they wielded against women: “you WILL touch me. I know I am disgusting, and I will feel that much more powerful knowing that I can force you to touch me anyway.”

Some comments annoy me, and sometimes I reply to them, much as you did above with a comment that annoyed you. Hope that’s okay

I’m kind of more insanely livid that a man just murdered eight people

There is more than one kind of terrorist in this country:

Indeed, and that’s not a reason for us to do the same.

Curious why you call him dumb. He achieved his purpose, killed at least eight people, communicated his hatred of the US, furthered inter-religious and ethnic hatred, so, as far as he and his supporters are concerned, he succeeded spectacularly

I am very disturbed by that. You can safely wield your “anti-Zionism” in most situations, but not when you’re also singing the praises of a proven, vile, outspoken antisemite.

Do you support the right of Israel to continue to exist as a country? Anti-Zionists are not sufficiently explicit on that point.

Joining you in the minority here. Cmon guys, not everything has to be the most predictable thing ever. Fun is good!

I do not look forward to reading Romanian reactions to this film. Secareanu knows what’s likely coming, hence his reserve.

Congratulations* on their long relationship!

But.. this discussion is about dating. Dating is not social work.

It’s Jezebel’s deluded vision of punching up. She doesn’t check off salient oppressed identities, so she is not a candidate for protection/indifference. She is, as another poster un-subtly put it, “mayo,” so that allows them to get away with a Jez version of sexism (“harmless or at most mildly annoying women are the

I saw that “whom” in the subject position and winced too.

If there are so many crucial pieces missing, perhaps we can postpone publication until the writer sorts it out.