Denise Brauner

I think 'blanch' is the appropriate word.

Is Olivia unaware that making Jake ANYONE'S vice president is giving Eli/Rowan exactly what he wants? And that if she gets elected, Mellie will be assassinated? And Papa Pope will go from Command to Commander in Chief.

Susan. But they'll probably get rid of her before too much longer. Or turn her awful, too.

On this show? Sure, it does. He was practically daring them to kill him.

Well, that's not true. She shot one of the guys holding her hostage. Not that I blame her for that; he, like that douchey ex Vice President, certainly NEEDED killing.

When did Olivia EVER wear a white hat? She's always been the queen of expediency, with the ends justifying the means. Pretty much every one of these people, right up to and including the president, has blood on their hands. Liv's includes innocent blood. So why would her actions shock anyone? She is, and always was, a

Max gave Noah the money. Let's not forget the ulterior motive- Max was fucking Helen (at least that once) and wanted the divorce to go through ASAP.

We know Scotty is killed the night of Cole's wedding (presumably to Luisa). So he survives the fire. I'm wondering if that will negate the sale? But if the new owners were buying a tear down, Cole actually saved them a lot of time and money!

I have long said that at a certain age, a woman has to choose- bangs, or Botox!

I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one muting that godawful screechy theme song!

Was it that emotional? Because I was truly bored.