
That sounds mean spirited even for a typical prank show. 

If you had to pick one or the other, only a complete idiot would pick the dish-washer.  It’s not even fucking close, for Christ’s sake.

Kind of a weird argument given that Americans abroad still have to file income taxes in the US despite not living or earning money there.

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

Coaches for college sports teams are already among the highest paid college employees, if not the highest in most cases. College football regularly fucks its players over. Student loans are a complete scam, but for most people, they are the only way into decent schools. Now we find out that overpaid coaches are taking

When Steve Martin came onstage, my first thought was “Wow! John Goodman’s really slimmed down.”

Counterpoint: Liberals should absolutely be gloating. Trump only understands winning & losing  and displays of dominance. The more his face is rubbed in his failure, the more his cult base sees what a fraud he is.

Not to mention that this probably wouldn’t have happened if the government hadn’t been shut down. You can’t close down the National Mall, but there’s normally at least NPS walking around and keeping things orderly. They were outside the Lincoln Memorial so there would normally have been rangers if they had been

Yep, I work at a public library (in Canada) and we start every program, event and most meetings with a similar declaration.

We do that in Canada for most events. Certainly all government events. It’s not much relatively - we have SO MUCH more of real, tangible action to do - but it bears repeating until even those with hands in their ears finally hear it.

This is the shittiest fucking take possible.

As someone who suffers from BPD so has some insight I suggest you do some research before you start flapping your gums about something you know nothing about

let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.

Chapo Trap House is awful and I agree, WAY more bro-ey. Even if the Pod guys are a little bit to my right, I’d much rather listen to them because they make room for discussions across the left-wing political spectrum (rather than mouth fart generalities about anyone who doesn’t totally agree with them every single

Jon Lovett is good fight me.

Thanks for reading, Bill.

Also appreciated: Scrooge’s (David Tennant’s) general exasperation with time travelers who think they’re too clever. 

The least believable part of this entire episode series was that a millenial couple a few years post college with a baby in their early 20s would be able to afford such a sweet mid-century home in California.

FYI, the reason that Fox News is on this is because they know that as soon as a Dem is in office, the same thing can be done to them, and a lot more people would be totally OK with it.

The agenda is not “penis is evil”, but rather “why should we accept unwanted penis and tolerate career punishment for rejecting said unwanted penis”.