
There’s some interesting stuff here, but the comparisons to Rome and Greece leave me thinking their team needed another/more historians familiar with societies closer to the ones they’re studying. Both classical societies were a far bit different than the material culture of this era, and looking at more tribal

“You were only up there for ten seconds.”

Doesn’t matter 

Thatcher would never have gone to a referendum. She would also have acted more aggressively on climate change.

Psycho Chicken—what the f**k?
Bwak bwak bwak bwaaak bwak bwak bwak bwak bwaaak bwak
Better run run run run run run run away

“And even though I, myself, have called various groups pieces of excrement - in writing and video, both of which are easily verified - the use of that terminology against me is a war crime and should be prosecuted as such.”

The book turns out to be talking about public bathrooms.

Have you ever seen the nutritional facts for the salads? Most of them are worse than Big Macs. That’s fully dressed, of course.

What does that distinction signify in the 17th or 19th century and does it even make sense to use it as a distinction vs. some other specific terminology?

Classically speaking, a “nice guy” would hover around Summer for much longer. Years perhaps. Memorizing her daily routines, acting like a friend, and getting her gifts without ever making an overt presentation of his romantic feelings for her. When she didn’t respond to the nothing he was presenting, he would then

Bruce Lee wasn’t a highly experienced grappler or judoka, and even he if were, he’d have a hell of time holding down a man as big and strong as Ali. 

She’s there to build suspense. We know what happens to her in real life so whenever she’s on screen we pay attention to see if there are any tidbits. Especially with Cliff’s background, there was an additional fear that his or Rick’s actions could be the leading factor in her death in this version of events. Which

That’s the entire point: Sharon Tate was a happy human being bearing a child with a bright future ahead of her, and then four assholes mutilated her and made her into a historical footnote about maniacal horror in suburban America. It’s actually pretty rare for a Hollywood film to memorialize someone who has famously

not just sports media; the New York Times itself spent all of 2016 hyping butter emails

It’s filed under “Media Meltdowns” which is definitely implying something

Hard Eight is a crackerjack little film and Paltrow’s performance is excellent - one of her best early roles.

It goes unmentioned in this article that Spacey snaps out of his indeed creepy infatuation with Suvari when she tells him this will be her first time.  He very much has a “holy shit what am I doing??” moment.

(This is why you’re mad? Because your wife doesn’t want you to spill beer on a couch?)

In the photo above, the guy on the left looks like he’s wearing a really tall, green wig.