If you’re on a discussion forum for the TV show, and it hasn’t aired on the show yet, yes, it’s a spoiler.
If you’re on a discussion forum for the TV show, and it hasn’t aired on the show yet, yes, it’s a spoiler.
Totally. Candied ginger for stomach aches, peppermint tea for headaches, and sangria for cramps! Better for you than Tylenol and generally knocks the pain out just as quickly
Maybe I’m weird, but I would rather have a kid with autism than a kid with meningitis or polio. And for the record, I don’t think vaccines cause autism, but even if there was a 1% chance they do, I would still risk it.
Bardot donned a wedding dress made of gingham in 1959, The Cut notes, kicking off the trend. Sean Connery and Goldie Hawn followed suit.
Counterpoint: I look amazing in gingham.
I like your descriptors. I would have said they taste like tea. They also have a way of smoothing out the spice pallet in the dish and bringing it all together.
Maybe it’s more like, “Mary, did you see how unkempt little Harriet’s hair is? It is proof that not only is her mother a sinner, but that Harriet is destined for Hell’s fire as well!”
I am a fat anorexic and people tell me ‘keep up the good work’ when I’m spiraling and become obese rather than morbidly obese.
I think we’re on similar pages here...nowhere did I say I’d freak out if someone with depression needed to cancel plans, or did I equate “disappointment” with “clinical depression.” I have also been on the “depressed individual needing to take some time for self care” end of the cancelling - as I mentioned - so I get…
Because they’re too cool for it now or they fear somehow they’re being bad feminists by loving the show. I grew up watching it and it taught me a lot about adult relationships and asshole New Yorkers, LOL! It was also the only place I really saw gay dudes outside of Will & Grace but I hated Will and his mopey ass so…
Well, it got a lot of hate when it was big. Legitimate haters are always louder, and there’s plenty to critique here. But as for the women changing opinions now...I think it’s a combo of the fact that this isn’t a show that will age well, and just the general fact that it’s cool to hate on things women like. So that…
I get that, and if you’re 22 and watching this for the first time it might not do anything for you. But what I don’t get is women that loved it then and now hating it. Maybe it doesn’t apply to your life anymore, but at one point it did, and it just seems weird that nobody wants to remember that aspect of it. They…
I know, I keep watching it bc fond memories and then I just end up cringing through it. But I won’t switch it off sooooo
I’ve had to learn to suss out what’s anxiety (which I can push through and enjoy myself) vs actual depression. Going out when depressed... you just find all these reasons why you should have stayed in.
That’s the trickiest bit of taking care of depression: feeling better rarely makes me feel good in the moment. I don’t WANT to brush my hair/go for a walk/cook something nutritious/see humans. But, if I can make myself (usually by using copious amounts of bribery), I notice a difference. Plus, then there’s the moment…
I would bet that most depressed people don’t expect anyone to remain friends with them and, if presented with your questions, would likely respond with some variation of “You’re right, you’re better off without me, I’m sorry.”
And also remembering the friends who have asked you out 99 times and asking them out when you feel better. People get their feelings hurt when you continually say no and then go out with other people often. Yes-it might be that they just happen to catch you on the bad days. But you (and by “you” I just mean in general…
So by your lights, cancelling because of mental health is a less acceptable reason than other illnesses? Am I reading this right? If you had a friend that had Crohn’s or extreme IBS or something, and they had unexpected, severe bouts of stomach cramps and diarrhea, would you be equally as unwilling to “be eternally…
On the surface and taken at face value, I agree with you that this reasoning is terrible and should be side-eyed, it isn’t giving friends a snow day or a holiday in any sense of the word.
The other trick is feeling comfortable saying “no” from the get-go, if mental health issues could prevent you from showing up to an event that would cause the host inconvenience.