Manon Lescaut is good to go

That’s the difficulty I have with dating apps/websites! Sometimes if I really like a guys personality, he is slightly more attractive than he would have been if I just saw a picture. I’m not saying I don’t care about looks, but a decent looking guy who is nice and funny can transform into a Hemsworth.


The problem is that guys are *horrible* at choosing photos. I’ve had some come up that are just pictures of the guy’s kids, pics of the guy standing 50 feet from the camera, pics of the guy backlit or half in the dark... It’s funny because I just finished Aziz Ansari’s book Modern Romance, where he discusses almost

“That is not a good thing” by Martha.

I would watch an entire show of Martha just dissing stuff.

I’ve said this here before and was accused of whitesplaining diversity (which is particularly funny, because I’m not white), but I feel the same way. I was frustrated by the fact that the entire conversation around diversity in Hollywood is about Black artists when there were no Asian, Middle Eastern, or Latino people

I fully support the need for the discussion of diversity, using the Oscars as platform. But as Latina, I feel so under represented in the conversation of diversity.

Was thinking the exact same thing as I read this article. Also Chris Rock’s speech was all B&W and no reference to any of the other kinds of POC. / Another WOC who is neither black nor American.

Why are you assuming that the cruise ship doesn’t provide access to all of those things too? They know damn well how tiny the rooms their staff uses. The employees there are not packing 6 months worth of toiletries and basic medication and the cruise line knows it. I’m sure the employees have to purchase most of these

I’ve noticed that some discourse on diversity in the US seems to see it exclusively in terms of black and white, no pun intended. Not all, obviously, and excluding issues and discussions that are specifically about discrimination and persecution of African Americans. /a WOC who is neither black or American

The bigger problem is that they won’t even stock contraceptives for sale. At least with deodorant or toothpaste, if you happen to run out, I’m sure you can find a gift shop or something on board to grab some more. If you forget condoms, or use up the supply you did bring, you’re screwed (because you won’t be getting

“That’s concerning to me because a lot of those people can’t get off for six months—”

I love the way Thin Mints come in that convenient single serving sleeve.

Switch the roles, and I think Leo would have fallen flat in The Martian. Damon carries the subtle humour of the movie and the book perfectly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Leo do that kind of a role without a “wink and a nudge,” which removes the viewer from the role. Damon disappeared into the role. I just wanted to

I agree with you totally about The Big Short. It was so funny and creative and clever, I wish it had gathered more steam.

Mark Rylance is one of the greatest actors I have ever seen. he is incredibly well known about theatre goers and actors, especially those interested in classical theatre. I am so, so happy he won. I have seen him in three shows, and Jerusalem blew. my fucking. mind. he was so completely different from the performance

Don’t feel bad for Sly, feel sorry for poor Mark Ruffalo who had to hear “And the Oscar goes to......Mark R...........ylance”. Oh shit, that was brutal. Ruffalo should have won for You Can Count On Me years ago. *grumble*

For all the snarky hate The Revenant gets around here, it deserves a serious shoutout for its very sympathetic portrayal of the Native population and its use of all-Native actors. After seeing the film I went looking for Native reactions to the movie and they are universally positive, many raving about it, and with

I think the giggling is childish amusement that she got to troll liberal Hollywood on national TV. The conservative media is going to eat this up and turn Stacey Dash into some kind of hero.

I had to google that since I thought there's no way that was real. But yep, she's 50. Geez, mean and stupid must better than Botox. Serves me right for letting empathy wrinkle up my damn face all the time.