
Thank you for writing this. All strength to you and every other person forced to fight against the victim blaming and rape hoax claiming culture we’re living in.

This really reminds me of the time we were at a party and it was approaching the time of the morning when the corner shop would reopen and we would be able to buy more alcohol and cigarettes. Two of my friends decided to make use of the time left by putting together costumes. One dressed as a cat. She used cushion

Yeah I think you’re right - the point of Rita’s post is that Beyonce is wearing a swimsuit Rita Ora designed. Plus it puts paid to last week’s rumours of problems between the two of them. Would Beyonce be wearing that swimsuit if its designer was tapping JayZ (well, maybe, but still)

Liking your honesty

ungray me please


See, I’m always so torn by this. I kinda want to be the girl standing up and saying ‘’this shouldn’t matter to us so here, deal with this: *discloses number*’’, but more often than not, I just move the conversation along. My last ex had known me a long time so he knew I’d had a full and fulfilling sex life before we

Thanks so much for sharing this. It really is parenting that I want to do above all else and I hope that it works out for me the way that it did with your friend!

That’s great of you to become an egg donor.

That’s great to hear


Thanks for your reply. It really is a confusing subject. I do really want to adopt, I always intended to. Fostering and adoption has always been my intention. The only thing that’s called it into question is this burning physical desire for pregnancy. In my head I’m saying - if you want to be a parent then you can

Thanks :)

Wow - you’ve been busy! Do you think my body will stop shouting at me if I adopt? I’ve always planned on adopting, this physical thing is new.

This is what I’m worried about. I’ve been a step mum and it was wonderful. I have close friends whose kids I’ve helped raise and remain close to, but what if I adopt and still have this *need* for a baby growing inside me?

I am in the process of assessing this as a choice for me. I’ve always hoped to be a mum, but I’m starting to realise it might be something that I do alone. Right now I’m confused because I’m trying desperately to rationalise my physical urge to be pregnant against my desire to be a parent.

Simon Pegg is in good company - Scientology didn’t want me either. Five years ago, on holiday in San Francisco, I popped into their church for a free personality test (why not?). The results were surprisingly accurate - they described me as highly communicative but irresponsible and unstable. I’d gone with two other

I only found out about Amy Schumer recently which is brilliant cos it means I have loads of her to catch up on.

It’s cos they both look more like their dads as they get older

Cos it’s easy to make and it tastes brilliant, especially with loads of cheddar cheese melting on top. Mmmmmmmmm