
I’d like to see the numbers but I suspect interracial dating is higher there. For one there are a fuck ton of white people and I’m sure for any Black people who do not live in the Black areas, they are around and going to be with a white people. From my impression and experience everyone is very classist. Not to say

$10 says her FB profile pic is of her kissing that dog in the mouth.

The lifetime wages earned in a few seasons sort of makes up for it.

They say that those who are abused become abusers. I am beginning to understand his vigorous defense of his adopted father much more clearly now.

“Hey, lookit me! Lookit all the things I’m doing. Doing all the things over here. I’m signing shit and executive ordering shit and Tweeting like a fucking madman. Oh, and did you check me out talking about the fucking election again? Don’t you worry, I’m gonna get that fucking popular vote one way or another! Top

Whatever Trump is, he speaks intentionally to keep the racists -- David Duke and the Sotrmfront crowd -- in line. That may be worse than being an actual racist.

What Jim Brown has matured into is a pragmatist. He says give Trump a chance. Trump is not a racist. Trump is a misogynist, a bully, a narcissist, horribly insecure, and a dick. But he is not a racist. Brown wants to see if he is a president for all the people, not just rich white guys.