In My Party Dress

There is some serious censorship happening in the group right now. Posts that mention being black, the protests, or even raising anti-racist kids have the comments turned off. I also hear that posts need admin approval before going live, but I haven’t tried to post anything, so I’m not sure how that works.

I don’t think this is even true! During the whole series (yeah yeah, I watched and loved it) it was really unclear about how the money was going to be divvied up — in a, we-the-producers-don’t-know-what’s-going-to-happen-so-are-being-purposefully-vague kind of way. At the end of the day, I think they all walked away

I was a big Bernie supporter last time around, and I was hoping to vote for Warren in the New York primary this year. I think Bernie is too old (and certainly will be four year from now). And I really despise the loud dick-shit Bernie supporters online (and in person) I’ve encountered. Sure, I know that doesn’t

Most people don’t want to chat with you about any of those things either. What kind of grocery stores are you going to? 

It’s like he’s trying too hard but can’t quite encapsulate the drama and despair that the others have figured out? Like, he wants to be included so, so badly, but he will always be on the outside. 

OH MY GOD, this is real

Filed under: “no shit.”

To be fair, I 100% made this mistake for many summers until I realized I had a choice (not sandals).

Oh shit, is this why my husband kept putting my red pepper-infused oil into the fridge? I guess it makes sense now, damn it. (I lightly berated him for this a few months ago.) 

Normally a press tour would have you signing copies of the book, not rereading your own words like you’re me going through her old Instagram posts to see if they really were, indeed, clever or just conceived and written while drunk.

I think (hope) the author is smart enough to know not to wear flip flops in NY in the fucking winter. But also sandals at all in New York is a very bad idea. 

I wear shorts with tights all winter, so I am probably the wrong person to be commenting. But I’m also drunk at the office! So, here I go: You should wear pants (probably) instead of the shorts/tights combo I outlined, get a peacoat, get a fuzzy (read: warm) hat, get a soft scarf, and stick your hands in your pockets.

Tried to play this, and my work computer shut off. I’m taking it as a sign. 

I’m from the south (relocated to the north as soon as I could, though), and we only ever ate at Cracker Barrels when my family and I were on the road for my AAU basketball games. 

On SNL, he always gives me Justin Timberlake vibes...but cuter.

I’m already out the door...

Happens all the time in New York. Like the person who posed the question, I like to grab a drink around this time (because it’s less busy/I usually do it at places where I’m a regular). It never bothered me. I’m paying for and tipping the service I got; if I get another drink, I’ll pay for that and the service then. 

Am I drunk, or did his tweets seem particularly cringey today? (It can be both.) 

As many are. 

Oh god, they do!