In My Party Dress

And I've just had sex in mine!

Will do, and thank you!

Sadly, not the last time this will represent at least a part of my feelings 100 percent.

Bless you both. I was about to cancel my Christmas plans.

I like your style (even though I'm Team Pie).

Or Tuesday at my crappy job.

WHAT? Can I be that little kitten you're taking away from the internet?

I dunno, the featured dress on the left (pinkish one) is pretty damn gorgeous.


I want one, but I think this badge must be earned.

A kitten of the sea, or whatever bullshit PETA was spewing a while back.


Um, so I read your response incorrectly at first. I'm so sorry about your dad.

After my mom died (yeah, cancer), my brother got the awesome "fuck cancer" t-shirt. So fuck cancer! (Not in the enjoyable way.)

"Fuck cancer" is one of my mottos. Y'know. How many lives must it take?!

Came to the comment section to say this, but you said it first and better.

The bridesmaid draft would be ruthless. (I don't know have these fantasy leagues work. I'm just glad it's basketball season, so I'll be watching those games when they're on.)

Pages from my favorite books in a bouquet? Genius. Can I steal this for my pretend wedding too?

That's why my dinner parties and roommate dinners are so successful. (We're drunk.)

We would be 0% enemy.