Ran when leaving the road.
Ran when leaving the road.
Strong community and close family are very powerful forces for healing.
Is she summoning that lobster from the deep in that photo? She’s just so good at this point that she doesn’t have to use traps any longer, but rather the Force?
Just hit the mute button, then. Or stuff your fingers in your ears and take in the emotion through your eyeballs!
Honestly, I much prefer the studio-mandated ending.
Not in my book.
“Hail to the king, baby.”
You sick bastard.
“As you wish.”
All chaps are assless. They are meant to protect the legs and thighs from being scraped by chaparral thorns and other such things cowboys may encounter on the saddle. Since their asses are protected by being seated, there is no need to cover them. If you go commando in your chaps, then your buttocks will be exposed.…
I do wish they’d been popular enough to have merited a sales pitch video from this fine fern…
Someone early down the line probably put it in there as a placeholder or a joke, then it just kept on going through to people who didn’t know/care and then mindless bureaucracy took over and here we have it. Now it’ll be a defining feature of the first generation of this ‘Vette for future nitpicky car nerds to check…
“Behold the tricorder upon which the phrase ‘Bad Motherfucker’ has been imprinted in bold lettering. For you to deduct that it is the property of anyone other than myself would be most illogical. Motherfucker.”
It’s a pretty solid mediocre man motif.
Drinking Mr. Pibb, that most uninspired of all the Coca-Cola products.