
It’s incredibly misogynistic to assume she is not an equal partner in an agreement between two spouses (a “pact” if you will).

I love almost everything about Alice Cooper, but I do hope this is something they wouldn't really do. Their kids don't need to lose them both at the same time, at the very least.

He seems immature and unwilling to stick to agreed boundaries. How about dialling down on the hanging out together for now? You can keep the friendship, you just don’t need an insensitive friend’s company right now while you’re trying to move forward.

Cut off the ex. He’s proven himself to be controlling and manipulative. Also, if he’s keeping you around until he can find something better or just needs you for the comfort, that’s detrimental to you and any possibilities that could enter your life.

Queens don’t hang out with sexual predators.

I can’t abide Eric Larson - dude is so gimmicky and ends every damn paragraph on a cliffhanger. Anway, Shot in the Heart by Mikal Gilmore is excellent - he’s a music journalist by trade, but this is a very well-written memoir of growing up with his brother Gary - the first person executed after the U.S. reinstated the

I loved Helter Skelter when I first read it, and that was when it first came out. I re-read it again just a few years ago, and was shocked at the sloppy police work at the Tate murder scene! Other than that, I thought it was a really good read.

I read mostly fiction, but have read some nonfiction true crime. Here are a few recommendations:

Another recommendation for Under the Banner of Heaven, which branches out a lot into the culture surrounding the murders but is incredibly fascinating. 

Reading “The Library Book” by Susan Orlean. It’s about the fire that destroyed L.A.’s central library in 1986. True crime with a love letter to libraries and books on the side.

I’ll be Gone in the Dark! And seconding In Cold Blood.

killers of the flower moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann was good

Executioners Song is very good.

I’m into true crime so these are all in that genre but I’ve liked:

Helter Skelter” is a great read. It may be the only book my Dad read cover-to-cover in my lifetime (he was big on magazines and newspapers...not books).

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara, Devil’s Knot - Mara Leveritt, The Lost Girls - Robert Kolker, Going Clear (ha?) - Lawrence Wright, The Skies Belong to Us: Love & Terror in the Golden Age of Hijacking - Brendan Koerner

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. It’s been a long time since I read it but I remember it being good. 

did anyone else have a total *record scratch* at the fact that there was a 1990s show called “High Class Battered Wives” ?!?

So ketchup. I am going to approve that. I don’t think that much about ketchup, but whenever I order food that goes with ketchup, like burgers and fries, and there is no ketchup, I would rather not even eat. I will wait for the ketchup. And Heinz is the only good ketchup. I don’t want your homemade ketchup.

Kinda seems like LiLo’s career options at this point should not involve anything where cameras or any level of responsibility is involved. Like, she could be a clerk at a kooky indie bookstore. You know, the one who babbles at you incoherently about crystals or something while a competent employee goes to find the