Jesus Christ, You have copied and pasted this thing on every single thread. Just go get drunk like a normal person.
Jesus Christ, You have copied and pasted this thing on every single thread. Just go get drunk like a normal person.
I would continue to pay HBO if they had a weekly 30min show consisting exclusively of the Small Council’s minutes.
I could probably force myself to see past it. You’re on on my five-woman pass list, Charlize - give me a call!
“Everyone in this country is so hung up on women having sex and whatever...”
I love Anjelica Huston but I find these comments disappointing. De Niro, by his own admission, does the occasional commercial movie so he can continue making all the other low-budget indie films that he still cares so much about. You say Last Vegas? I say Being Flynn. Meet the Fockers? I would counter with Everybody’s…
If my husband threw away anything of mine without my express permission and explicit instruction to do so, I would be devastated. It’s one of the most disrespectful, condescending, entitled, selfish, cruel, narcissistic things to do to someone else. MOM. (I don’t have issues)
You and your husband haven’t seen Fury Road? Rectify that situation, it is the closest we will ever get to multi-million dollar blockbuster meets art-house film.
So what if her brand of dork isn’t your brand of dork.
Nicholas Hoult doesn’t look sufficiently gormless to pull off Jon Snow. The roll clearly calls for an actor who can look perpetually concussed.
Reviving the Hatha-hate, huh? I’m pretty sure the worse anyone can accuse her of is liking her job, working hard at her job, and not being named Jennifer Lawrence.
I still can’t believe that the weird-looking kid from About a Boy turned out so smoking hot.
Eh, Rory never would have dated (let alone married) someone as likable as Chasten.
Possibly because in 2019 I want a presidental candidate who understands exactly why it’s not ok to sniff a woman’s hair. That’s a really, really low bar to clear. Why would I vote for him when I can vote for Senator Warren, who paid attention the day in Kindergarten when they told her to keep her hands to herself?
I believe the look is called “dry thirst.”
Look everyone, Mike Rosenberg is here!
When Kelly got her appendix removed did she yell out “ Steve Carrell !!!!”
Guy’s probably some moron whose wife left him and can’t figure out that he’s lonely because of the despicable things he says. Don’t get kinjaed; you don’t want to lose a day talking to this jackass.
You have no idea how gratifying it is for my near constant rumination on this to finally be appreciated.
It’s annoyingly dumb. Dorit got a puppy from Vanderpump Dogs. She decided she didn’t want it anymore and rather than taking it back to them, gave it to someone who then took it to a kill shelter. The chipped and documented dog was then sent back to LVP who was livid. This whole story got leaked to the press, and…
It’s also not a huge sign of growth that she insisted on drinking even though she was told by her doctor that it’s destroying her stomach. How is it possible to make Jax the voice of reason in any situation?