
It’s unclear to me how the omission makes the story more difficult to understand. It might influence your assessment of the story’s reliability, but this is a different judgment than understanding the story, whatever is meant by understanding there.

old white men gonna old white men. 

Just retire, Joe.

So it sounds like he acknowledged in their conversation that he should have contacted her in advance. Classic “better to ask for forgiveness than permission”. So much entitlement behind that way of thinking.

A lot of his lead in the polls can be put down to the fact that he wasn’t actually running yet.  So he gets the love, but none of the scrutiny.  I expect that he will drop over time as he continues to insert his foot in his mouth while on the actual campaign trail.

Exactly. I am NOT voting for Biden - Or Bernie who I voted for last time - in the primary. I’d like someone newer and younger. But damn will I work to get Biden elected if he’s nominated.

But if we don’t attack every Democratic candidate, how will everyone know what pure special unicorns we are?!?!? Enjoy 4 more years of Trump, because Dems look set to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Biden’s not my first, second or third choice; but any Dem choice is 1000 times better than Trump. 


As long as you vote for him if he wins the nomination, fight hard for whomever you like best, BUT if people purity test him and we get 4 more fucking years of Trump I am giving up on my fellow liberals as asshole children who deserve the horrible lives they will have created for themselves.

None of Diana’s posts are “TL” and if you “DR” for the love of fuck, don’t comment.

Before everyone starts in on the herpes jokes, just remember that a lot of people have either simplex 1 or 2, and it’s a relatively benign condition and there should be no stigma attached to it because that prevents discussion both as a community and culture and with partners. 

When do we reach peak streaming? How many services can the average viewer reasonably adopt?

Calling degrees “worthless” just because they don’t necessarily translate to a high-income position post-college is so, so idiotic. 

KK is already exercising her privilege to get law degree.

You either die the hero or live to become the villain.

That’s because Mr. Belding is really Zack’s father.  Why do you think he was always so nice to him?


I kept looking for Zack, and then realized that he’s the one who looks like Mr. Belding. 😧

It is excessive, it’s getting violently angry over what’s basically a fucking game. It’s akin to a person spewing vitriol to a person wearing a shirt with the dog piece and the car piece from a Monopoly board.