more like kit lackofharington, amirite?
more like kit lackofharington, amirite?
Cheers and good luck back to you on all counts! :-))
It would have been tough. I know this. Thanks for the reminder.
That's fantastic!
Sounds like a great week! Did the vet recommend a food or is that something you're in charge of?
Yes exactly. I’ve just watched a relationship die due in large part to the spouse’s failure to stand up to his awful family. It sucks but what you said is so true. It’s a gut punch every time they let you down. You end up being third place in your own relationship.
Yay you! Samwise dodges a bullet and you ace your interviews! I’m so happy for you!
That is such good news (on both counts)! I’m very happy for you.
The issue with people who are anti morning after pill is that they feel sincerely that life begins when the egg is fertilized, not when the fertilized egg is implanted or when cells start dividing. They actually believe life begins before you are actually pregnant. WHICH IS JUST NUTS. Though I did just walk by a tree…
There isn’t.
It’s *NSYNC.
The whole thing is a dispute between two small businesses. I glazed over after the sixth paragraph (felt like the 50th).
Did anyone else find this somewhat anticlimactic and awkward for a feature?
The impression I’ve gotten my whole life is that, for the most part, rich people are joyless fucks.
What else is bothering you today?
Oh let the eccentric old lady live her life, you joyless pricks. Don’t like it?
It was! Olenna masterminded it via Little Finger. I guess Olenna is technically his Grandmother-in-Law so......?
Bend the knee to Gwendolyn of House Christie, First of her Name, Slayer of Red Carpets, and Queen of the Best Dressed.
This is exhausting. There has been photographic evidence of this weird shit for years. Nothing could be more obvious, and yet he is going to make us all go through with hearing how it is FINE and women just need to toughen up or whatever is going to be said about someone you don’t know pulling bizarre moves like this.…