
Rabbits will break if you even think of looking at them the wrong way.  I quake in my boots every time I have to touch one.

I had a satisfying bridge-burning after a summer internship which promised $1000/mo stipend decided (without informing us) they would put the entire summer’s tax withholdings on the very last paycheck, bringing it down significantly: we got a ~$250 paycheck instead of the $1000 we were expecting.

When i flew with my then 4 year old, she had little toddler earphones to watch Elmo. Also, i was obsessively watching her feet. If she so much as twitched a foot I’d grab her leg. Anyone who lets their kid kick the seat in front of them is an asshole.

Seriously. I invested in noise cancelling headphones (a joy on planes, also without crying babies) and always bring earplugs.

Now playing

My first understanding of who Luke Perry was came from this scene from Clueless: “[Cher is] saving herself for Luke Perry.”

Oh, god, I hooked up with a guy once who kissed like that, and I am horrified to learn it looks just as bad from the outside as it is to experience. A big mouth, opened wide, leading with the tongue - all you get is teeth and tongue and saliva. It’s like making out with a horse. Quite possibly the least sexy thing on

I was going to say that, or BeckinPete.

I also really resent the “If I was a weak person, I would have hurt myself.” I LOATHE implications that people who self-harm or attempt\contemplate suicide a weak.

in such instances, I would assert my list —

Do you have any vacation time? I've given the usual 30 days and then promptly put in for two weeks vacation (because I didn't trust them to pay me my outstanding days). It was awesome.

Yay Copperboom!

It’s not self-righteous or whiny to get the pay that you are owed! Even if it’s a small amount. Say something like:


Job update: Two week after learning that I didn’t get the job I wanted at the Cleveland Clinic, I put in applications for three other CCF pharmacy positions. There was radio silence for several weeks, and just when I was about to give up, I got an email that my application for a regulatory position was under review.

I had a baby! His name is Edward Douglas and he was born the day after Valentine’s Day. He’s pretty much the love of my life even though I’m breastfeeding like 8 hours a day and I’m stupid tired. I was really scared about post-partum depression because I am higher risk for it (my mom had it, I have had prior bouts of

Hey Jezzies! I have an auntie win to share! (I’m the one raising my nephew).

My nephew was picked as student of the month in his class for how much he’s improved in reading! He’s in first grade. He came to me in August barely reading more than his name and simple things like “cat”*, so it’s been one of our big

Yay, SNS! (Please ungrey me!)

I GOT THE JOB. I GOT THE JOB. I GOT THE JOB!!!!! We just have to make it through March and we will be OK. I am about a week out from being able to reclaim unemployment but I am not sure how that will work. I am assuming I won’t qualify but I am going to try. I did a modest means application but you have to be working

That is so satisfying, well done!! 

It was a small thing, but I got to quit a job in righteous indignation, and that was really satisfying.