
Yay, that’s great! Sucks about the shots but I’m glad the hot compress is helping. Are you hoping for a particular gender or just want to know?

That Thing You Do! is fabulous!!! One of the first CDs I think I ever owned. Playtone - Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson’s prduction company - also did Mamma Mia, which is my other happy movie.

Ohhhh That Thing You Do! I once was captain of a dodgeball team called “Cap’n Zack and the Shrimp Shack Shooters”! (My name is Zack)

If it helps the concept, in Ireland we count spring from February 1st, called Imbolc or Brigid’s Day. It’s about halfway between the solstices and the snowdrops and crocuses start to bloom around then. And our weather pretty much operates on a system like “Roll a dice, 1, 2, or 3, it’s rain, of increasing intensity;

It’s devastating when animals, cartoon or otherwise, die in movies! I watched “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” the other night and sobbed when Lee’s kitty passed. Heartbreaking. I’ve been watching lots of TV and movies lately, now that I’m still laid up from the stomach virus that literally tried to kill me. Speaking of, I

There HAS to be somebody over that officer’s head you can go to.  Sounds like he applied his own feelings to the case, and you really shouldn’t do that.  Especially since you documented everything...

Oh my god, that dog! My dog doesn’t really react to video unless there’s a dog barking and then she’s like WHO IS THAT I MUST DEFEND THE CASTLE FROM ALL INTRUDERS!

On another note, I post about my dissertation progress sometimes, so here’s the latest.

I’m doing last revisions to my dissertation this weekend so I can

You can definitely be a garbage human being in real life without being the villain from a movie.

Seriously, wash your hands and use your fingers aka your hand forks.

This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.

Right?  The SUR connection is perfect, btw.  

Ahh that’s so exciting! I hope the dance party foreshadows a very healthy happy baby!

You get to bitch all you need as long as you do what’s necessary to keep yourself and Little Lee Bruce safe. All the best to you!

At least it’s just once a day and way better than Heparin shots. Hang in there!

Bitch away! I’m nearing the end of my second trimester now and I have to say it’s been worlds better than the first. Enjoy it! 

Ugh! Are they the belly shots? That shit burns! But congratulations on doing great so far!

This might stay in the greys but I thought I’d put it down in text somewhere. I feel like I’m finally starting to move past some of the grief of my divorce, and a large part of that was having something casual begin, exist, and then end in the nicest of ways.

You are doing some amazing stuff! Don’t sell yourself short, and let’s turn some of those statements around;

Hi Jezzies, so as most of you know it’s been a really crappy few years and money has been short, especially so the past few months. Someone must of been looking down on me because this week I came into some money, not a life changing amount but enough to give me breathing space. It came at the right time because a

Know who else has 5 Grammy nominations? Kid Rock. The Grammys mean less than nothing. Almost no one watches, even fewer care.