
But is it carved from a single tree trunk?

I’ve hated Ryan Adams since he remade Taylor Swift’s album and so many music critics were like, “Wow it’s so good and deep now that a SENSITIVE MAN is performing it.”.

Ever hear of Steak and Blowjobs day? It’s kind of a gross concept, really.


Ah yeah, okay, that’s the NIPT? Cause we’re so small, there’s no Irish lab for that, so if you want it, it’s like €700, they have to send it to an overseas lab, probably an American one actually. So we won’t be bothering with that! Everything else is free (unless you go to a fancy private clinic or register as a

Ahh that makes sense. I think we still do the aul squint-at-genitals method here unless you’re high risk or request one of the higher level tests. I think a lot of the tests you can request or refuse them, and they’re not standard unless they’re medically indicated (you can still refuse in that case). I’m not sure,

It really seems like the US heard “no known safe level” and interpreted it as “no safe level”, whereas actually it means we can’t double-blind test a bunch of pregnant women on different levels of alcohol cause that’d be really dodgy so we can’t say where the level is! I’ve read up on some of the research too (in one

Oh wow, that’s early for gender, isn’t it? That’s so exciting!! Mine on the 19th will be my SIXTH ultrasound which is ridiculous, and at 9 weeks.

It apparently did. If I remember correctly, Faris was of another religion and differences came up after they had their son. One difference was she only wanted one child (and I assume Pratt’s religion says you should have a quiverfull or whatever), and that he had negative things to say about her religion. My guess is

I had the ligament pain pretty bad (several days I couldn’t get out of bed). Mine started around 18/19 weeks. It does not go away until you give birth, but I found two things that worked: swimming and acupuncture. I’m pretty skeptical of acupuncture, but it worked miracles.

I’m 23 weeks in my first pregnancy and I was definitely showing by 15 weeks if you were looking for it. It’s different on everyone.

Good thoughts from me to you! That's so exciting!

Good luck! I was so exhausted at that point in pregnancy. I have PCOS too and my labs were surprisingly good up until the end - my last hba1c was that of a normal person! Best wishes for an uneventful second and third trimesters 💕


Yaaay SNS! (Please ungrey me!)

Between him and the Woody Allen/Amazon feud, I’m done with Filmmakers Who Think They Know All About Women Because They Love Fuck Women and Have Moms and Sisters, Too.

Maybe a super contagious cold goes around and society becomes a chaotic dystopia because all the men think they’re dying.

silly. mom’s aren’t women! /s/

Either it’s a society without women, or a society in which women are rare (the mother character). Either way, hard pass.

Yeah I get mad when people say nice things to me, too.