
I think not. Charlie dead may be just asinfluential if not more so as a martyr who claimed he was the Son Of God. Look how jesus’ celebrity increased.


Lynette is that you? Still.upset about Afton, honey?

I’m sorry but the notion that was ok because the victim was dead from the injuries received...and we have only the inmates word on that, there were histamine present in both bodies...that’s kind of specious.

To this day, Fromme and I believe Ruthie Davis remain staunch Manson loyalists, they curate his website. I cannot think any of them are unindoctrinated.

The trial transcripts used to available online.

Prison is hell. But so is being tortured to death by a pack of sadistic kids.

I disagree.Linda Kasabian refused to actively participate and turned States evidence. Patricia was one of Manson’s inner circle, with Squeaky and Susan Atkins. She was ass deep in it all. She will never be free of Manson.

She was involved in both as accessory and co conspirator and may have been involved in Irving Kanareks murder as well. Sorry, this is one of my pet cases, no offense.

It is dead easy to be a model inmate where most if your choices are made for you. Maybe this woman would have been a model citizen on the outside.

Bask on my darlin, and play that harp loud.

Shit, are you trying to say that the Creamsicle Christ’s virgin bride LIED?

Oh honey, let go and ramble. You’re on Kinja now.

Oh child, have you seen her CV? She’s one grade above Lovely Eastern Europe Ladies Want Your Love in Internet spam. She’s a hard eyed whore that can’t believe that orangehaired john isn’t dead yet. She touches that kid of theirs like he’s got lice.

How Is everyone missing the point that she lifted it from the woman married to, according to Trump, a devious mass murderer? Obama, the Kenyan Devil? There’s enough irony here to build an aircraft carrier.

Oh fuck me running. Thieving Slovenian bitch. As a writer, I got no pity. I trust plagiarism is the same internationally. She’s the same fucking breed of grifter as her owner.

He’s flying it at half mast.

I’m there with you. I won’t even go to 0630 swim class with the older ladies because my body’s so wrecked and horrendous. I’d need a wetsuit, if they make them in a 2x.

Mathers needs to realize that body wrapped around her unspeakably vile soul can vanish...a collision, a fire, or a bout with cancer.

I continue to be amazed at how you “accidentally” take nude photos of yourself, or someone else, then uncontrollably Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter them. It takes me five minutes to send my kid a picture of the dog with a yogurt cup on his nose.