Whelp...the homeless Splinter bros have succeeded in colonizing The Root’s political commentaries. I absolutely hate the way that they always manage to hijack the comments’ thread.
Whelp...the homeless Splinter bros have succeeded in colonizing The Root’s political commentaries. I absolutely hate the way that they always manage to hijack the comments’ thread.
This whole episode has been ridiculous, but the weird Living Single-Friends rivalry has always been kinda silly. Living Single was a good show. Friends was a good show. The idea that a person - specifically a black person - couldn’t enjoy both is stupid. And the notion that Schwimmer was being disrespectful by…
Yep. I think early on they realized two things: She was likely gonna be blackballed after this and they could use this as an opportunity to make him a household name. They have four kids - somebody has to remain employable after all this. This is all an act. I don’t think either one of them actually believes in…
You’re working under the assumption that either one of them believes a single word they say.
Black women have been at the forefront of every single Black movement, with the exception of this “he-man woman hater” hotep bullshit.
lol, no. But nice concern-troll, buddy.
First of all, since the fuck when is an open door cause for 5-0 to be all up in yoiur house, peeping in and shooting from outside like they don’t have any goddamn sense?
“we fought the Revolutionary War”
so a few people have asked for my opinion about the actions of the judge and bailiff, and I didn’t say anything about them because i assumed the take on them was obvious.
anyway, there’s the 35 word answer: i have difficulty imagining a black person convicted of murder getting hugged and his hair braided by agents of…
“Bitch saw a black face and that police training kicked in. Shoot now, lie about it later.”
13 to 15 feet from the door is literally the back wall of my house. If the lights were off she had no idea what she was shooting at and if the lights were on she should be able to tell it wasn’t her place. Bitch saw a black face and that police training kicked in. Shoot now, lie about it later.
100% this. I got a little too big for my britches in high school, got tuned up in front of about 1/3 of the school. One of the best things that's ever happened to me. I'm not kidding.
I feel like so much of this could be solved if these people got the shit beat out of them just once in their younger years. Seriously. I really do.
Forget it, Jake; it’s Florida Woman.
First of all, this is about how women are self-reporting their own first sexual encounters, so your statutory rape angle is irrelevant if they are saying those encounters were non-consensual. Second, since it says in the first paragraph that 6.5 percent correlates to an estimated 3.3 million women, that’s your context.
But Biden’s whitesplained reason for working at a segregated swimming pool to learn about black people might be the most disconcerting part of this story.
Just once, I like for these rich people to answer a question.