
most white people are not substantively affected by Trump

True story: me, snotty kid bartending a fraternity reunion, decided to correct a patron on their assertion that cognac was whiskey. Went over as one might expect.

I’ve seen suggestions that a “targeted boycott” of the state Republican donor base can relieve some of the collateral harm, and I was in favor of it, until it struck me as impractical to execute and largely ineffective.

Well that settles it: I too have for some time wanted to take money from the stupid and racist, and now I know I have what appears to be a perfectly legal blueprint. It’s like a savings-and-loan for morons. Dolla-dolla bills, y’all!

She wields the Infinity Gauntlet good

Yep. There it is.

Before I read this, I feel like I need to psychologically prepare myself for the inevitable sense of outrage I’m about to experience.

At this point, MAGA hats are plain racist provocations only slightly less so than Klan hoods, burning crosses, jute nooses, or swastikas. And yet the media simply won’t call it what it is.

On Twitter & Facebook, I’m a reporting fool - I hunt for users to report. I get a charge when they get disciplined. It’s my civic duty.

Sadly so

Y’all, I’m just glad to know he’s still alive

Sure is a lot of “well, actually” & “that said” going on here.

All true - I have to check myself on it all the time

I like Lady Gaga as a person, from what I have seen. I didn’t know about this collaboration. I’m disappointed - I hope she does more and it is enough, because I’d like to again like her more than I do now.

Nice job, sir.

Two witnesses described a white man in his 40s. The news ran with it, the fact at the time, in an attempt to find the perp. Sensationalized & hyperbolized by commentary (opinion).

Not only do I think y’all should arm yourselves, I think y’all should invest in some storefronts.

I know this, full well.

On the secret menu, McJustice... served icy fresh, come and get some.

LOL, sorry about that - I’ve been looking high & low for a link to it again, with no luck - it was buried in a Twitter thread, and I guess it hasn’t gotten any way near the attention. A shame that - it’s good.