Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

Ha ha ha! Silly women, thinking their value could possibly be based on something such as administrative skills or leadership and certainly not anything other than their appearance!

Ordinarily I'd just dismiss this, but this is HYSTERICAL to me that you're following me around after the post about the nutbar animal liberationist just to make angry comments like this. You do realize your clicks contribute to my continued employment, right? Thank you for them!

Rutherford B. Hayes probably died lacking much presidential fame, because god couldn't let everyone know a hot piece like that existed.

I'm a step-mom. We have custody of the kids. I've raised them and have loved them as fiercely as any "real" mother. We're not all horrible, but many people really think we're the "other woman" and we're just whores who don't know how to do anything. Just another part of the mommy wars IMO and the devaluing of women

Like all of her fine wines and cheeses, Martha gets better with age.

You are Martha Fucking Stewart. Why is Gwyneth Paltrow even showing up on your radar?

Goopy's at home raging like a five alarm dumpster fire as we speak.


(Sidenote tangent) Any time someone posts on Facebook about how being a mother is the hardest job, I replied: Think that's hard? Try being a step-mother.

Well, if you are literally killing people, I would say it's pretty unjustified. If, on the other hand, you're causing soda to spray them in the face, I'd say it's pretty righteous.

Always. My minimum tip is around $4, even though I rarely order from more than four blocks away. It is a thankless job, and if my lazy ass can't go pick up a pizza the driver deserves a few bucks.

Can someone register or something and start listing benign information about Jimmy John's?

I think it's because I'm chronically contrary, but is anyone else experiencing a weird morphing of their feelings about Paltrow? I mean, I think she's utterly ridiculous and eminently silly. To call her a little bit out-of-touch is like calling the sun a little bit hot. She's galactically privileged and has no idea

Plot Twist: Details on how to pull off said costume is a featured post on Goop.

Greta looks freaky as fuck these days, like she's about to melt.

Moaning Madeleine ?

Gwyneth may have nannies and shit, but she still has to be away from her family for 3 to 6 months to go film a movie.

I hate it when Fox News puts me in the position of defending Gwyneth Paltrow.

Love Behind Closed Ovens