Still-Celia is Neverfuckingvotingforhillsxo

Lard really, really, really is. I can eat tofu no problem but if I'm making refried beans I am MAKING REFRIED BEANS.

I cook mine really low because I am busy with the kids.

I think ? I used to know this..

Wellll I'm Irish and Austrian so I feel weird even having refried bean opinions. I like to add chicken broth. Usually we put the cheese on top.

I never heard of lemon chicken but I live in Americas Armpit( outside Philly). Either way, I will pay to avoid cleaning up grease.

Bacon fat is essential, you can add oil or butter as well, but you really need bacon fat for smoky depth. They are really forgiving and delicious.

I just can’t, mine are better, plus I am frugal, I don’t mind paying for something I don’t want to mess with, like Chinese food, but a burrito, no.

There are a lot of them out there. I soak pinto beans overnight, then I rinse them and just look for like..pebbles( I have never found one but I like having teeth), then I simmer them with a bay leaf and salt.Use a lot of water, like...1 cup beans, four cups of water. Just a lot. You’ll probably need to add more.

I would just like to say that I am Team Nope and spent 16 hours making refried beans yesterday. I can make a fantastic burrito for what? Two dollars or less.

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull is another excellent series. ( I worked at Borders for seven years). If those are too much, Henry Winkler has a great series, Hank Zipzer. he is a great age for Encyclopedia Brown too.

I am so sad about Alan Rickman. Me and most everyone else I guess. I can hear his lovely voice in my head “pity”.

Really, it depends on him. It has real subject matter, with abandonment and death. It’s an excellent book but you’ll maybe be looking at some conversations that would not come up with something lighter.

FOR REAL. Why doesn’t everyone see that?

I told my husband I'm buying the redskins and changing the name to the Daisy Bottoms.

“The bride and groom unintentionally posed in front of a garbage dumpster, foreshadowing the first few years of their marriage.”


That’s pretty hardcore to show a six year old. Also, NO ONE EVER gets my bog of eternal stench jokes.

I don't see anything wrong with this but if the point is to get my kid a doll, I'd hire someone on etsy.


I laughed so hard and shared it to FB where no one will get it, but I'm too woke to care.