
or black...

I feel like he dropped the ball by not getting a red one.


Ford should tout that the frame won’t rust. There’s a long term advantage.

Alfredo continued:

I wish i had a few million dollars sitting around so I could buy Jalopnik from Gawker and end this shit show. We’d never have to read a Jezebel headline about periods, or micro-penises, or finding poop on your thong, or what disney characters’ dicks would look like ever again.

Every single time...

AWD Miata with a LS engine up front for the front wheels, and Porshe engine outback for the rear.

Sorry, I haven’t slept much.

In BMWs, an extra et of brake lights illuminates when you hit the brakes hard.

Also, parts should be easy to get to, like the filters and such. You shouldn’t have to remove a fender to get a battery (*ahem* Solstice).

You forgot the most important thing: