
I commented on the location of the truck & stated the driver must of Drove over tide pools to get in that location. No one could confirm how the truck got stuck, but the pictures clearly show major environmental damage has been done to one of the most pristine sections of beach in all of California. The main film guy

Do it man, She died a number of years ago but I still have her in the freezer in the garage. I can read it to her.

I'm the CTS Sport Wagon, I'm the one your minivan wishes it were.

A herd of cattle. From Independence, MO to Salt Lake City, UT.

Because it's the most jalop car on the face of the planet.

Because while it may be a hunk of shit, this thing is the essence of the car enthusiast spirit.

Because it was hand built with the blood and sweat of someone with an extreme passion for cars and extremely indiscrete spending? And it's leagues more creative than Joe Herrafrush with his stupid riced out Civic?

I'd argue it started even earlier than that - the '66 Toronado aped the 1936 Cords.