
I like it in an odd way, but not for 22k.

Why oxy? DD a Camry for a few days, you will be numb to all feelings and emotions afterwards.

Pretty much illustrates how the Ring cannot be replaced.

Know why I love cars?

Jerry Seinfeld said it well, and here I’m paraphrasing: “You’re indoors and outdoors, moving and standing still, all at the same time. That’s really something.”

But more than that, they can make you FEEL things.

Physically adult, mentally adolescent:

Nope... hate cars.

I was watching the news this morning when the news-reader said, “He’s in a black sedan,” and showed the picture. I turned to my wife and said, “Why can’t they say it’s a black 1999-2000 Hyundai Elantra?”

Too bad the WRX is not available in Europe, only the STI. Go big or go home, I guess...

Clarkson, Hammond, and May will be taking over Jalopnik next year.

School bus or GTFO

Not pictured: tremendous engine sounds. Like a bald eagle gargling freedom.

It feels high for the E36 M3 market. You can pick up E36 M3 for under $10k all day long. That being said, this is way nicer than any M3 that you find for $10k. Having 2 too many doors makes it rarer, but less desirable, keeping the prices in line with the 2 door version, so a direct comparison is pretty easy.

I was present for this. It left me slack jawed, even after watching a couple hours of racers going at it beforehand. Fucking furious.

The time I was 19 and sold my 1987 Cutlass Supreme to someone else who had a Cutlass (If you’re reading this John, you are a huge fucking asshole), who in turn sold it to a 15 year old, no one transferred ownership or registered it, proceeding to throw stolen license plates on it, tear up some lawns and high school

I’d say just like selling a running car. Anyone with a smart phone and a fifth-grade education can write a good Craigslist or Autotrader ad in a matter of minutes, but it seems that most people won’t.

Everyone gets a trophy these days.....

Let’s have Darwin do what he do...

If I woke up tomorrow and I was a 16 year old about to get my license and had 25 grand for a first car, I’d want a late model Toyota Sienna. Think about it.

270 horsepower is enough to have fun with. You have seatbelts for eight people, meaning you can fit about thirty teenagers in it. And most importantly, you don’t

About tripped over my own dick to vote nice price on this one. NP!

Here’s one I “made” a couple of months ago.

Jeff Gordon’s Rainbow Warrior.