
Because I'm not 16, I don't circle jerk to the "most driver orientated brand on Earth, and I want something that actually is premium vs. something that only appears to look premium.

I had one of those..made by Starter, back in 1990. Along with my Starter trench coat and Air Jordans.

A true classic BMW for sub-$10K pricing, and it looks like everything's there with minimal problems to fix. Plus it's... wait... just a few miles from me.

That I'm an incompetent clumsy fuck. I shouldn't have tools.

I can't wait until I'm middle management and can purchase one of these CPO.

According to IMDB this is a 26 minute short and doesn't look like there are any plans to distribute it. Let's get a Jalop crowd fund going to make this into a feature length film!

that is one fine-ass firefly-class mid-bulk transport ship

Yup, that's a turbo house

Also part Jiffy Lube.

But since you probably won't reach 125,000 miles in five years, consider the 75,000-mile plan: it's just $2,989.

The lightweight materials on my car are just where shit's missing... :/

Thank you, beautiful Corrado. Thank you.

You are getting zero sympathy for your lack of garage space

Lack of garage space is totally why I skipped the Aston.



Cheap gas