
Prove what you wrote.

On what charges? The grand jury has just convened.

Shooting sprees are extremely rare, you know. All the "mass shootings" in recorded history don't equal a month's body count in Chicago and Memphis.

Hey, would you like the US to export our violent black criminal class to you? Seriously, you guys can have them.

Why should any money be raised for Big Mike Brown? He assaulted a cop and got shot for it. He was also unemployed with no family to support. I'm sure Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Ben Crump are paying for his funeral.

Yep, aim for a small part of the body under stress.

He "shoplifted"? No he didn't, and quit lying. Shoplifting is surreptitiously taking an item and sneaking out. Michael Brown committed strong arm robbery, using his size to bully a smaller shopkeeper, culminating in him shoving and threatening the shopkeeper.

Why must you obscure the truth?

A petty crime like assaulting an officer and grabbing for his gun, then charging him?'

And black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime everywhere they live.

Why are they horrible? The officer was assaulted and will likely be facing huge legal bills for doing his job.

Did you love the lyrics about fucking two gun-toting drug dealers, carrying a gun in her purse and having people "pushing up daffodils", too?

Oh, that's just wonderful. In this song, she raps about fucking drug dealers(twice), carrying a gun, having people "pushing up daffodils", and playing with a drug dealing boyfriend's rifle. I'm sure that's not encouraging young black girls to chase thugs, or young black men to sling drugs and carry guns in hopes of

Go kill yourself, you ignorant, stupid, gullible, naive motherfucker. Oh, and I hope you get rectal cancer.

If the police are in the habit of "killing people because they're black"—-why aren't they hosing these looting, rioting, Molotov-cocktail-throwing black savages NOW?

No, his crime was assaulting a police officer and trying to grab his gun.

Only ignorant, easily led, self-hating white people and savage blacks are upset about the death of that Vice Lord sign-throwing piece of shit.

What about those statements isn't true?

Well, that's because law enforcement knew Cliven Bundy's folks WOULD MEET FORCE WITH FORCE.