The problem with NFL/NBA isn't violent action during the games—-it's the woman beating, DUIs, and gang-related shootings AFTER the games.
The problem with NFL/NBA isn't violent action during the games—-it's the woman beating, DUIs, and gang-related shootings AFTER the games.
Oh yes, Krystal Ball isn't a mindless idiot, at all....
If you think there aren't women who were just as promiscuous as the males, you didn't spend much time in the dorm,.
If they cast actresses who looked like their characters, guys would show up. You think a Marvel Girl movie(with a big breasted blonde actress and a boob window equipped costume) wouldn't sell tickets? Comic book nerds would see THAT.
What if there's a superhero movie with a strong female protagonist who kicks all sorts of ass BUT is played by a very attractive actress who is true to the character in the comics?
I was also in the Air Force, and I didn't meet anyone who told me about sexual assault. I did meet a lot who saw fit to fuck their way through the male floor of the dorm...
He's had too much plastic surgery to be believable in any role anymore.
It's not a HIPAA violation. It's a matter of public health. Oh, and there's no registry of who doesn't have HIV—-just people who test positive.
Well, then, I suggest you start fucking HIV positive people. Getting HIV is no big deal, right? It's like herpes....
It's still a death sentence, if you cannot afford the expensive treatments.
Well, it's the only one which is fatal. People don't die from syphilis(not anymore), herpes, gonorrhea, crabs, or chlamydia. HIV is fatal. Yes, it's treatable—-for now. With the introduction of new meds, the inevitable resistant strain is just years away.
Should someone with typhus or Hepatitis C be required to disclose said status in order to secure a job in health care or food service?
Yeah, because WOMEN are the only ones who ever receive pressure about not using condoms. That's why the fastest growing STD demographic is gay males.
WTF? OF COURSE people with HIV who do not disclose their status to partners should be demonized.
I'm more worried about a hot war. I lived and served during the Cold War. Much better than a shooting one.
Hey, did you complain when the makers of "Daredevil" cast a black guy as Kingpin? Or when Idris Elba was cast Heimdall? Or how about the new Human Torch being black? Does that piss you off, or is it only white guys playing Asian roles?
No conviction, but he paid millions to his first accuser.
Sure. That's why his bedroom, which he frequently shared with children, was equipped with a proximity alarm. An alarm went off in the the bedroom if the sensor down the hallway was tripped. What purpose does that serve, other than to warn a pedo MJ that a witness is coming?