
This an extremely valid point... but, I think the driver should handle this. Drivers know their limits as well as the cars. If they drive with feel they can manage as the car’s dynamics change. Engineers and Drivers should also work together to develop systems to aid this with less complexity. Driver skill, feel, and

Yeah. I’m a Tifosi but I couldn’t disagree more with Vettel here. Drivers should drive the car not the Engineers. If things are getting too complex then the Engineers and drivers need to work together to simplify the systems so they can be executed by the driver.

Maybe the driver(s) slowly but surely gain false trust in the system because it hadn’t given them reason to not trust it. It’s human behavior. It’s how people are. They gain more and more confidence, start pushing the limits, then... sorry... we told you it’s not “autonomous” you dummy?!? It’s your fault.

5th Gear: Who needs a driverless testing site/course? You can just “Beta” test with your customers on public roads with other drivers and pedestrians. Silly Detroit... they’re still continuing they’re old school low tech Dinosaur ways. When will they learn?

1st Gear: C’mon Elon comes up with the ideas does he really need to make sure they work. It’s not his fault he’s a genius and others can’t make the ideas work or keep up with how quick he comes-up with these Genius ideas.

Agreed. Their driver, which no doubt has skills, would have never stayed on the brakes unless the car was stuck accelerating.

Yeh. Ghost racing - Vulcan and Koenigseg. I’m hoping now that the new Ghostbusters flick is out I won’t have to see those up on Jalop anymore. The first month was OK but eye yai yai c’Mon already.

Fantastically beautiful and takes work to get to know it’s character. I wonder why we love it :)

As a Honda fanboy I’m excited. It appears they’re getting their mojo back... but then again I look at the F1 standings, see where McLaren is, and I think nope. So then I check the IndyCar standings, and see the top drivers and Teams are Chevy, and think double nope. C’Mon Honda. Keep improving. Your fans are rooting

Yeh. I’m not trying to be harsh on the topic but I’d like to see Tesla succeed. They won’t though if they continue the same strategy.

IMHO When you take short-cuts in initial designs, roll them out too soon, continue to ignore and perpetuate the flaws, and just keep shoveling out idea after idea using this same philosophy, just to try and beat others to market, eventually all those short-cuts come to light and need addressed. With Elon ignoring and

I’m surprised Hendrick would do this. I’m a Junior fan and he’s not having the best season; hopefully no controversy if JGo puts the car at the front?

If the system does indeed detect no hands on the wheel and shut down then how do we have videos of drivers using auto pilot with no hands on the wheel for extended periods of time? Something is not right here.

Yeh... Logs?!? Would it be a conflict of interest for one of the parties who may be held liable to design the structure of the data and be the only ones to know how and the only to actually interpret said Logs? In this case the Logs could indicate whatever they want it to.

I understand your points on shared responsibility and I agree to some extent. My disagreement comes from a values stand point. If I as an Engineer design a Manufacturing Process, associated Equipment and systems and I know going in there are are portion(s) that put the user or personnel at risk; those portions are

Yeh. INS very cool, ring laser gyro? I served in AFSOC.

I don’t want to argue here. I do this stuff for a living. You can come-up with the greatest technology in the world but if it’s “semi-autonomous” it all reduces to user behavior / functioning as part of the system. Their needs to be a clear defined handshake with the user and system at ALL TIMES. You can’t just define

Autonomous or not autonomous wins. “Semi Autonomous?” That’s a “carp shoot” that required clear defined boundaries so that user behavior learns it’s role and how and where to function as part of the overall system. You couldn’t even do responsibly in a manufacturing environment what Tesla did hear - it would lead to

Yeh. Unfortunately this time it was in over it’s head, malfunctioned, and he had an accident... oops.

No one knows how many miles and in what driving circumstances “Auto Pilot” has been used except Tesla. My guess is the perception of use is over-inflated... but even I don’t know that.