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Hey know... we’re stubborn as shit. Give anyone with some passion and know how for mechanical oddities a Rotary to work with and they will passionately proceed to attempt to improve it, Engineers and Non-Engineers alike. It’s in our nature. It’s what makes us who we are. It’s the ice’s dorky brother we will always

No sir. The jist is thus... I could give a shit less about being PC. I’ve seen, done, learned, enough in life to look at things objectively. I understand for the most part the common citezen could care less aboit emissions. Talk to enthusiasts, which I’m one, and for the most part they care even less. However, just

Yeh. I feel bad for both parties. On the Brightside though, now the owner has the opportunity to paint in a better color or likely remove that wrap.

If I were PC then I’d probably care what people think, I don’t. Facts are are facts. Just because people are quick to understand acute issues but bury their head in the sand on chronic issues until something has to be done doesn’t mean I need to eat that ignorance. Next time some poor soul dies because they

Work. Stress. Metal fatigue. Wear. I’m still not sure where the phrase “many hands make light work” came from? 4 doing the work of 6... idk

Yep. How do you say Subaru in German?

So much wrong here. Face Palm-a-palooza.

Ehhh. I honestly believe that if drivers attained seats in F1 a female would’ve already broken this barrier. Unfortunately the politics outside of F1 play just as much a role as the politics within. Have a backer with enough cash in hand and driving skill is a Crash Maldonado seat guarantee. That’s what makes his

Not a loophole if the thermal window was not specified by specific min and max temperatures. This is an oversight by regulations, not a fault of manufacturers. All ice’s have different emissions and moisture levels when they are cold started prior to warming up, fact. Weather plays a part in this obviously. If they

Einstein proven right again!

A mechanical problem takes 2 minutes to find and 8 hours to fix. An electrical problem takes 8 hours to find and 2 minutes to fix. So why rush. Take your time. Don’t get frustrated. When you find the issue take your time again, fix it right or make it better. If you aren’t sure how to fix it right or make it better

Of all the things to re-design on an automobile... the shifter?!? Design for use 101: if it can happen it will. If you improve an accepted well established design without removing any of the logic you’re safe. If you improve an accepted and well established design and change any of the logic you’ve given the user an

Insurance? Not just a car payment? How can one afford routine maintenance if you have to pay for insurance? Any more cost and I’ll have to change my wireless data plan to one terabyte a month just to afford my car?!? Ehhhh, why did I even go with the tech package anyway? I’m not going to be able to stream movies,

We’ll all be driving Gold plated Porsches with Diomand encrusted roof liners once Bernie is elected! Everyone on equal terms! Who needs responsability? We’re all car guys. You got my back. Share the wealth! AMIRIGHT?!?

Rescued him from what? Some of the best lessons I’ve learned in life were the most difficult ones. If he was a true friend he would’a left him there so he could learlearn the hard but most likely grown-up as a result... just my .02

I agree... not sure why Mazda feels “above” making new MazdaSpeed models? I do think however Mazda has handled the landscape of the Auto Industry far better than any other Auto Manufacturer. When you look at what the industry just went through with the economy, bail outs, and the resultant quality repercussions /

Yeh. They’ll be like, I wasn’t trying. I just

Sorry to hear that. I’ve heard there’s one in the states that almost aleays never gets driven above 3k rpm and the only time traction control gets turned off is when it’s driven in the snow!!! Since this guy isn’t enjoying his responsibly maybe you can convince him to sell it to you?

Ehhh. You know what I meant by helmet cam... don’t even bring me into this.