yeah but race cars are cool
yeah but race cars are cool
On that dirt oval track one was that a kid pulling out a man? ( or a really short person? )
What is going on with all the military crashes? It feels like I hear more about them in this last year - was this something that was rarely reported before?
The plane looked like CGI to me. Maybe it's the high frame rate? A little too clear of an image?
I ripped on the first four Fast and the Furious movies so hard that every one of my "gearhead" friends want to strangle me for it. Others think I'm just a harsh critic. And then there are some that agree with me, but I can't change their opinion. Completely fine.
I'm pretty sure I need to see this movie. Just so I can…
Strange-people in the South are re-living the past?
So I should revise that to "30 days a month" then?
Warning! Cheesy sound editing content. I hate how they added in squealing tire noises at 1:07 as he slides it on the wet pavement in slow motion, right after he did it squeal free at normal speed. Then at 1:57 it was 100x worse with the Astin. I had to turn it off at that point. That sort of crap drives me nuts. I…
I'm sorry that you drive a dodge avenger but you don't have to take it out on the GT-R....
Like most steering wheels, it turns.
would sir care for some cheese to go with that whine?
He did.
Anybody notice this video wasn't filmed recently? Green trees? short sleeves?
This is how the driver explained that failure.