Misteaks were made

Talent for Clickbait?



It’s currently running 11% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Looks like two were on fire.

Now I want to go on a cruise...


No zika?

Don’t underestimate that power of the Rio Olympics to screw up this too.

Also Germany.

Captain Phillips...

Who let Lena Dunham in? I thought we had checkpoints up to prevent that.


That’s kinda the point of rank. A General doesn’t and shouldn’t have to answer to a private.

I drink Kopi Luwak when I can so this intrigues me.

These are the asshats that will let Trump stroll into 1600 PA Ave.

Sorry, she was the weakest part of that series. They could have toned down her hysterics by 50% and still been too over the top. That or the slow decent into madness instead of flipping shit 5 seconds after she hears Will through the wall

You’re right, they should have apologized. His pride will pay his bills and provide food for his family.

I’d say her merchandise would be trying to win a younger crowd.
