
Pictured: Actual Hillary plant gobbling up Trump voters.

I think they were saying “Boo-urns”!

Good. Journalist have to do their job and get the facts. you dont just take anyone at their word, you investigate and cover all your bases.

Good. I wish RS was on the hook for way, way more.

But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?

The law isn’t bullshit, sending her to jail is.

I think he’s out of a job November 9. My bet, Loretta Lynch will be the one to pressure him into resigning.

Comey couldn’t wait EIGHT DAYS to complete an ongoing investigation, as per protocol, to mention the fucking emails?! You know, show some restraint, like he has about ongoing investigations into Trump dealings?! What a bag of cocks. He better be drafting a resignation letter now, he’s out of a job Jan. 21.

There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.

Here is one (probably shared here before):

This is probably my most well known photo:

The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social

This is essentially like pulling out when she is 37 weeks pregnant. It’s a tad too late.

It’s kind of like when people ask “So, what do you do for a living?” On the surface, it’s an innocent question, but it can sting if you or me or anyone does not have the required status or living.

The cutting table folks at Joanns are clearly forced to ask what are you making. Part of my work involves sewing cosplay costumes for kittens. It gets awkward.

I bought candy at the grocery store and the cashier says  to me. ... somebody has a sweet tooth.

What blows my mind are the complaints from customers. I’ve had conversations with several different people who complain about unsmiling service employees and I’m just like “why do you even care??” And they act like I’m the unreasonable one.

I appreciate when employees help me, but I don’t need 14 different workers asking me how am I doing. I know there’s mystery shops (which offer nothing of value), but jeez. The problem is certain customers love the attention. “Oh they’re so nice at _____” even though it’s all forced from top to bottom.

This is why I liked shopping in the UK— They have this reputation for poor customer service but really what it is is that the woman or man ringing you up doesn’t bother to pretend that they’re excited about it. That’s a lot more comfortable than forced pleasantries.

I’m pretty embarrassed to admit this, but I was once anti-choice. I was a born-again christian asshole. I spoke at a dinner, there’s video of me at the age of 19 on a christian talk show, marched at an anti-choice event. I do my penance now by giving money every month to Planned Parenthood and having an abortion every