
But Clara's explanation at the end of the episode seemed to say that there was no monster. It was only fear itself, going all the way back to The Doctor's childhood.

If we're talking about plot holes in "Listen", who was under the sheet
in young Danny's bedroom if there weren't any monsters after all?

I was watching it with a few friends and none of them noticed until I pointed it out after it was bleeped in the next episode. Was it because there were kids in that scene or is he limited to one "fuck" per hour?

That depends. Do you consider a stick to be science?

Yeah? Well, Scooby Doo can doo-doo but Jimmy Carter is smarter!


I think they swung too far to the other side with this episode. It felt like Call of Duty: Zombies. The showdown with The Governor felt rushed, since he basically did the same prison assault (with bonus tank!) only 8 episodes ago.

I had a lot of the same problems with the episode that you did. It felt like they were having the battle for the sake of having a battle. And it was what should have happened at the end of the last season (only 8 episodes ago). The "Can The Governor redeem himself?" storyline was unnecessary because we already knew

They said some iteration of "We have a tank" way too many times to take it seriously. And I know I'm supposed to suspend disbelief for a show about zombies, but gasoline seems to be easier to get than water.

Now that we've talked about you, what did you think of the video?