
I dunno, I feel like there is a lot of gray area. I’m all for participation trophies and letting kids be kids and not pushing them into a win or lose mindset.

I’m more concerned for the families of the potential cheaters. It sucks to find out you’ve been betrayed, it sucks worse to find out along with the rest of the world and several dozen media outlets.

Someone apparently has missed the point of these articles. Better watch out Drew, when the south rises again they will end up on your doorstep with pitchforks and overreactions

She’s actually a hoot

I asked my fiance this and she responded

Totally agree with you. I mean, I see the reason modders would be peeved, but frankly in this era of shipping broken, half completed games, the fact that we got a complete game (Easily vaulted into my personal top 10) this complete, PLUS all the free content and fixes (Who didn’t appreciate the inventory overhaul?),

Not like this Anderson. Not like this.

I agree 100%. This is almost impossible to write about without sparking a flame war, but this is just about the best writing on the subject I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading.

::Begins slow clap::

That’s actually the total opposite of my problem. I’ve had to stop side questing and actually stick to the main story for a bit because I was several levels over and didn’t want it to be a cake walk.

Just so you know Drew, you could have ended the article with just that picture of Cutler.

I agree but disagree. I hate to give air time to any Kardashian, but you have to admit that this is getting a good message out there.

A1? As in steak sauce? As in a totally unnecessary intrusion on a delicious piece of meat?

For those saying Adam should get into legal trouble due to HIPAA violations, HIPAA only applies to specific entities. You can’t just claim a HIPAA violation against anyone

I agree with your contempt for the constant DLC blood letting and how shitty it is that many new games are shipped basically broken.

There were several gay mariachi’s who had hard choices to make that day

A meathead has a problem with same sex marriages.

Right. Until we are equal, let’s be MORE unequal because that makes everything fair

It’s not about high horses or making points for her. She was given 250k, most people would walk out and trash talk their mothers for that money. What teenager is going to turn that down to say some stuff she might not really think.

It’s important to always be forthright with your patrons (as a sex worker) and with your go to (as a sex worker connoisseur)