Joey K

$20 says at least one exec brought up Chris Evans

He’s more like Norman Osborn when he was the head of HAMMER.

Chocolate egg cream

Favorite player growing up. Still rock the baby blue #3 throwback. 2 time MVP, 2 time hr and rbi champ, 7 time all star, 5 golden gloves....didn’t get the call. But Jeff Bagwell. Jeff Bagwell got in. So stupid.

Congrats to Pudge, but this year was a joke besides him. They enshrined Tim Raines and Jeff freaking Bagwell? Bagwell?!? Baseball voters view them as HOFers but Dale Murphy is off the ballot.

That was the closest to getting hit Aaron Rodgers was yesterday.

Hindsight being 20/20, everything seemed like I was hitting on her even though my intentions were strictly for my dude. Been friends for over 30 years, it’d take more than a woman to stop that. He thought it was funny. “If she blew you, why would I want her.”

Stryfe or stfu

I understand SEoTS plight. Me: 6'3, moderately attractive, lanky but fit frame, college drop out, zero fashion sense, never had problems getting ladies. Best friend: 5'4, model looks, fitness freak, degree in buisness, bar owner, Hollywood style clothing, one date in 4 years.

I really want that knife

Only way to undo this is to bring in Goldberg

Those Brazilian asses?: Priceless.

I’m just ashamed that anal got outsearched.

The only thing that made Batman V Superman really suck was every second of Jesse Eisenberg’s Luther.

Lifelong Hawks fan here and I really like the trade. We got a protected 1st rounder for a 36 year old shooting guard that has been nearly outplayed by his backup (Tim Hardaway jr) and was leaving in the summer anyway. Mo’s expiring deal and Dunleavy are meh, just icing on the cake.

Don’t forget, this happens after Monsters Unleashed

Legalities probably played the largest part. Marvel films weren’t allowed to mention the word mutant, mention their parentage, and oddly enough they haven’t and weren’t referred to as Quicksilver or Scarlet Witch. It’s always been Pietro and Wanda. No xfilms has made mention of Wanda, so I guess both productions own a

Quicksilver seems to be pretty much dead. He got Joss Whedon-ed pretty hard.

They ressurected Agent Coulson and that dude doesn’t even have powers. They could bring Crossbones back with the Infinity Gauntlet. Or LMD. Or Cosmic Cube. This being Marvel it could be a clone, they love dipping in the clone well.

If this guys nickname isn’t TheNacho, I quit life.